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Digital Learning and Compliance

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Scott Peplow

Learning Content Lead

If you own a hair or beauty salon it is crucial that you put the safety of your employees and clients first. Not only will this ensure that the stringent UK hairdressing laws and regulations are met, it will also benefit your customers by offering them a great experience when using your services.

Here at Access Learning, we appreciate that hazardous substances can be a scary prospect, especially when they are so closely associated with a hair salon business. However, by being aware of the safety procedures and adhering to the correct standards, you will be able to navigate the health and safety of your salon, employees and customers with ease.

In this article, we will explore five things you need to be aware of to ensure your hair salon is health and safety compliant. This includes how you can safely interact with hazardous substances, the precautions you need to take and additional health and safety considerations within a hairdressing salon.

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Christian Foerg

General Manager, Access Learning

It is essential for organisations to understand how modern workforces like to learn, to ensure they create learning strategies that are engaging and effective. 

In this blog we look at: 

    • Generation Z: New workforce on the block   
    • What does this mean for your business? 
    • The demand for different learning styles  
    • Designing relevant learning for each generation  

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Scott Peplow

Anti-Money Laundering Training Learning Designer

According to the United Nations, up to 1.7 trillion pounds are laundered every year globally. 

The risk of unintentionally facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing is present for all financial professionals. The consequences of being involved in money laundering, either knowingly or unknowingly can be severe. 

The primary money laundering offences carry a maximum penalty of 14 years' imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. 

It is essential that all financial professionals know about money laundering, how to spot the signs, and what to do if they suspect money laundering is taking place. 

In this article we answer the questions of: 

    • What is money laundering and terrorist financing? 
    • What are examples of money laundering? 
    • How do I spot the signs of money laundering? 

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

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In this blog we answer: 

    • What is self awareness in the workplace? 

    • Why is self awareness important in the workplace? – 4 advantages 

    • How to improve self awareness in the workplace? 

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Hilmi Sunay

Senior Product Manager for Access Career Development

In this blog we will explore 4 reasons why staff development is important: 

    • Enhancing retention 
    • Maximising performance 
    • Uncovering leadership potential 
    • Becoming an employer of choice 

We also provide access to our free guide Empowering Your Talent

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Estimated read time - 7 minutes

In this article we'll discuss:

    • Ways in which career advisers can offer practical advice.
    • How to use resources to link up students with placement opportunities.
    • Helping students gain the life skills they need to succeed in their desired career fields.

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Stuart Parker

Senior Learning Designer – Mental Health and Wellbeing

Average read time: 5 minutes

The Access Group have been working closely with the national charity Bipolar UK to design an accessible eLearning module that will increase the understanding of bipolar disorder. Stuart Parker is a Senior Learning Designer for Access Learning course content, specialising in course design for Mental Health and Wellbeing awareness training.

In this blog he describes how he and the learning content team have been working in collaboration with the charity, aiming to reduce the stigma surrounding bipolar disorder whilst explaining the intricacies of it.

In this blog we’ll discuss: 

    • How Bipolar differs to other mental health conditions – some stats 
    • Why we are supporting the charity Bipolar UK 
    • Ensuring credibility and authenticity 
    • The free course we have created and how to access it 

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David Gristwood

Learning Lead, Cyber Awareness and Resilience

David Gristwood is a Learning Lead for Access Learning course content. He specialises in course design for Cyber security training. 

In this blog he covers: 

    • The latest Cyber Crime statistics 
    • What is a cyber attack? 
    • What is phishing, and how to prevent phishing attacks 
    • What is malware, and how to prevent malware attacks 
    • What is whaling, and how to prevent whaling attacks 
    • Free guide, ‘How to make your workforce cyber resilient’ 

Average read time: 4 minutes


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Natalie Kennett

Marketing Programs Manager

Learning in organisations is moving away from traditional, and often lengthy, eLearning. Instead, companies are starting to adopt microlearning’s innovative approach to development and delivery.

Average reading time: 4 minutes

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Stuart Parker

Senior Learning Designer

Many people aspire to become a parent, however, infertility is becoming more common. On average one in six couples are impacted by fertility challenges in the UK1. Undergoing a fertility journey is mentally and physically exhausting. The process is demanding, invasive and places a strain on mental health with no real certainty of success.

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