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Digital Learning and Compliance

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Stuart Parker and Scott Peplow

Learning Designers, The Access Group

According to statistics released by Mencap 5.1% of adults with a learning disability known to their local authority in England are in paid work1. The majority of people with a learning disability want to work, but they must be given the right support to do this. 

Organisations need to remove barriers to work, promote positive employer attitudes towards people with a learning disability and make sure health and wellbeing is at the heart of their structure. 

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Digital learning has come a long way since ‘eLearning’ was coined, in 1999 by educational technology expert Elliott Masie.   

As we shift to a post-pandemic world, there is an increasing lens on the world of digital learning and how it will continue to play a crucial role in workplace learning and development in 2022 and beyond.   

To explore this further, The Access Group attended this year’s Learning Technologies event -  Europe's leading showcase of organisational learning and professional development. With over 9,000 attendees from 50 different countries and over 200 seminars, it’s fair to say it’s a pretty big deal on the learning and development (L&D) calendar.  

Don’t worry if you missed it, this quick rundown will bring you up to speed with the biggest trends in the digital learning and development space right now, and how your business can stay ahead of the competition.  

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UPDATE: We now have a new article on this topic, Learning trends to expect in 2023 | Blogs | The Access Group but read on if you’d like to see what we were talking about in 2022. 

Digital learning has come a long way since ‘eLearning’ was coined, in 1999 by educational technology expert Elliott Masie.

As we shift to a post-pandemic world, there is an increasing lens on the world of digital learning and how it will continue to play a crucial role in workplace learning and development in 2022 and beyond.   

To explore this further, The Access Group attended this year’s Learning Technologies event -  Europe's leading showcase of organisational learning and professional development. With over 9,000 attendees from 50 different countries and over 200 seminars, it’s fair to say it’s a pretty big deal on the learning and development (L&D) calendar.  

Don’t worry if you missed it, this quick rundown will bring you up to speed with the biggest trends in the digital learning and development space right now, and how your business can stay ahead of the competition.  

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Sarah Mian

Head of Learning Content, Access People

Sarah Mian, Head of Learning Content at The Access Group spoke at Learning Technologies about employee resignation rates in the UK and what is motivating staff in the workplace in a post-pandemic world. She explores how learning and development opportunities and technology can help to improve employee retention and drive greater business outcomes.

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Stuart Parker

Senior Learning Designer

Following on from Mental Health Awareness Week this month, we can reflect back on the fantastic initiatives’ organisations have run to highlight the importance of mental health.

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Stuart Parker

Learning Designer - Mental Health & Wellbeing and Workplace Skills

When it comes to the human brain and central nervous system, the concept of neurodiversity states that we don’t all end up the same – individuals are categorised as either neurotypical (they process information and function in a way that society deems ‘the norm’) or neurodivergent (they analyse content in an alternative way).

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Adam Lilley

Our interview with the content creator for our Mental Health & Wellbeing courses, Emma Parnell, on the affects of menopause on women's wellbeing.

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Chris Chappell & Chris Weston 

Senior H&S Product Manager & H&S Content Manager, Access People

If there could be such a thing as a positive outcome from Covid-19, it’s that workplace safety, health and wellbeing has been elevated to a tier one consideration for many organisations and its individuals. Which is really where it always should have been.

The key to creating a physically and mentally healthier workplace culture however, is to not treat responses to occupational health and safety risk with quick fixes, to try and plaster over specific challenges.

Health and safety training is often the biggest tick-box for compliance, but how do you embed training into the rest of your health and safety risk management processes to effectively manage health and safety risk and evidence compliance when it matters?

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Fred Caballero

Senior Consultant, Access People Division

The pandemic has accelerated the change in the employee/employer dynamic. Employees’ career development priorities and expectations of their workplace and employer have shifted, with many of us demanding more from our place of work, its leaders and decision-makers.

HR is juggling all the traditional challenges along with these new expectations. Dropping the ball can mean failing to attract and retain the top talent or keep existing employees happy, motivated and productive.

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Stuart Parker

Learning Designer

Throughout 2021 many of us have been wondering how the Government will lift us out of lockdown and allow us to return to some form of social normality. For many, the Government Roadmap has been welcomed, as it has provided milestones to work towards. For others, it has left them feeling anxious. A recent Access Group poll indicated that 70% of people are feeling some form of anxiety about their post-lockdown future.

This is important for employers to understand.  

1 in 4 people experience mental ill health each year and at any given time, 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill health. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggest 17.9 million working days were lost in 2019/2020 due to work-related stress, depression, or anxiety accounting for 51% of all worked-related ill health. A study conducted in 2020 by the Office of National Statistics found that 49.6% of people in Great Britain reported ‘high’ anxiety which equates to 25 million people aged over 16. It is estimated the overall cost of mental ill health is as high as £105 billion each year.

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