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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Richard Owen

Customer Relationship Management Expert

The current pandemic has changed much of the business landscape, with businesses having to adapt their service offering and delivery, to implementing a working from home operation almost overnight.

Until recently, the concept of working from home full time and for major parts of the workforce had been overlooked. Business leaders may have feared lack of productivity and motivation from employees and a disconnection of relationships between teams and customers.

The pandemic however, has acted as a catalyst for change but the unprecedented nature of it has left some businesses - and finance teams - in the lurch with no effective transition plans in place to switch services from on-premise to off. And, without a remote financial management system readily in place, a business is almost blind.

An effective, integrated CRM system will ensure your business continues to function even when working from home.

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Lorna Wilcox

Bookings and reservations consultant

Many people have been working from home since March, and with no sign for many to return to the office, they have found pubs, bars and cafes as a welcome escape to the familiar four walls of their home office.

For workers it is a great opportunity to get the creative juices flowing, meet up with a colleague to discuss the latest project or even just get out of the house for the day and into a new environment. For the venue, it is a great way to make up for lost revenue after months of uncertainty and closures.

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Colin Turner

Health and social care financials expert

Right now, care organisations across the UK are working hard to address the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic – on top of the usual struggles faced with balancing funding, staff shortages and changing care needs. It’s crucial for the care sector to keep on top of financial issues to ensure ongoing stability and continuity of care. But what many finance professionals in the care sector have not yet experienced is the uplift in efficiency, productivity and positivity that can be gained from using the latest technology.

Now that the cost of cloud based solutions has reached far more affordable levels – and can reduce costs in a number of areas – it’s the perfect time to look at reaping the benefits for your organisation using more up-to-date software.

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Claire Williams

Health & Safety Software Specialist

Whilst the onset of increased homeworking was undoubtedly a novelty for many, almost six months down the line the benefits are rapidly being overshadowed by the growing health and safety concerns.

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Rob Binns

Chief Financial Officer, The Access Group

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), one in three businesses in the UK are seeing operating costs equal to or greater than their total turnover. For CFOs and finance teams, this means that they need to introduce a long-term, sustainable strategy to reduce spending so the business can make savings to protect assets or to boost growth.

Plans to lower operating costs can be built into forecasts and budgeting but I would argue that a cost-conscious culture should extend way beyond the finance team and become common throughout the entire business.

The latest figures from the ONS come from an assessment of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy. Perhaps unsurprisingly, companies in the arts, entertainment and recreation sectors have suffered the most, with 42 per cent of firms in those areas saying operating costs were higher than turnover, followed by accommodation and food services at 29 per cent.

Of course, we all know that 2020 has seen unprecedented trading conditions and, sadly, a large proportion of firms have taken significant financial hits. However, even for those who have seen relatively little impact, the economic recovery period is the ideal time to review what more can be done to strike that critical balance between the amount spent to keep a business running and the amount it turns over.

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After a recent steady rise in COVID-19 cases and an anticipated spike in the winter months, the Government announced that from Monday 14th September, any social gatherings in England over six people, will become illegal. Anyone caught breaking this, could be fined £100, rising to £3,200 for repeat offenders.

While there have been exemptions to the ‘rule of six’ such as work, team sports, schools, weddings and funerals, hospitality venues will be unable to have a single group exceeding six people, either indoors or outdoor dining. The Prime Minister also announced on Wednesday that they will be tightening the track and trace rules, making it mandatory to take all customer details in England. This means that England will now follow Northern Ireland and Scotland, where it became mandatory for venues to take details last month.

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Rob Binns

CFO, The Access Group

As lockdown eases, and businesses move beyond the damage limitation measures forced on them by COVID-19, economists are divided on how quickly the UK will bounce back. The fact that more customer-facing firms can trade again is clearly good news for the economy and there has recently been a slight upturn in consumer confidence. Yet with so much uncertainty, and government support only a short-term solution, many fear a tough road ahead.

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Corrie Smith

OTS Intern

The coronavirus pandemic will inevitably change the landscape of the workplace and training will be no exception. In a survey, 89% of L&D professionals suggested that post-2020, less than half of all training will be delivered face-to-face (source: Learning Solutions). The necessity for online training has never been more apparent.

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Lynn Jones

Divisional Marketing Manager

Boparan Restaurant Group is a growing family

It’s a collection of restaurant brands, every one with its own personality, but each sharing a passion for creating contemporary food and drink experiences that make people happy

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Steve Berridge

Finance and project-based accounting expert

It’s safe to say that there were very few businesses that would have been prepared for the impact Covid-19 has had on their team, operations and revenue. In just a few short weeks in March everything changed so dramatically and so quickly that it was extremely difficult for finance teams to be able to plan, manage and navigate through it.

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