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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Rob Binns

Chief Financial Officer

It goes without saying that the past few months have been particularly difficult for many businesses. No one could have predicted the events that led up to a nation in lockdown, with many companies left with no choice but to halt or reduce operations in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For many, business survival lay in quick decision making and, where possible, putting robust measures in place to protect their firm from financial damage.

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Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

The sector has been through the wringer these past few months, and so has its fundraisers! We are in uncharted territory and navigating a new path can feel terrifying. But this is no time for a crisis of confidence. We might be post-pandemic, but the fundamentals of fundraising haven’t changed. You are a professional. You know how to fundraise, and those skills will never leave you. So take a deep breath and:

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Tim Needham

HR Industry Expert

Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has hijacked everyone’s priority list and diverted business focus on to a whole host of other practical and pressing issues, the challenges that faced HR leaders before March 2020 are still very much there. At a time when every business is looking at how it needs to change and adapt, maybe this is also a good time to consider those familiar challenges from the current standpoint and find ways for evolving strategies to address them going forward.

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Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

No-one knows who coined the phrase, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ – but whoever it was, they got it right. The last few months have been some of the toughest charities have ever faced. But every cloud has a silver lining, and when we look back at the sector’s response, I think we will be proud of the campaigns it produced. There are the big wins, like NHS Charities Together (£100M+), The Big Night In (£70M+), the National Emergencies Trust (£60M+), 2.6 Challenge (£10M+) and #GivingTuesdayNow (still counting). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and we want to use this post to share three of our favourite campaigns launched in a time of corona.

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Abhishek Agrawal

Director of EarlyPay

With Government restrictions linked to the Covid-19 lockdown starting to ease, businesses are planning to re-open and return to some form of normality.

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Lucy Kirk

Visitor Attraction Specialist

The fantastic weather over the past few weeks saw several UK attractions opening their gardens and grounds, a first tentative step to re-opening fully.  

For those not able to do this, we’re seeing ongoing activity and plans put in place for a potential re-opening date of July 4th.  

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director

The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act made headlines in 2018, but since then some businesses have taken their eyes off the “GDPR ball”. Many are leaving themselves exposed to complaints from data subjects and potential enforcement action by regulators.

Data protection has recently hit the headlines again in 2020. This is due to an announcement that the Government has ordered a major audit of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), following claims that it does not have the clout to take on the tech giants and is not fit for purpose. It will be interesting to see what comes of this review, but in the meantime the ICO will continue to focus its attention on protecting the general public.

The Covid-19 crisis has also led to an increase in the number of data subject access requests (DSARs) being made. However, with many businesses working remotely some have faced issues with being able to comply with their obligations due to the inability to get into closed archive facilities and offices.

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Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

Well, no-one expected that. In a few short weeks, coronavirus has turned lives upside down and fundraising strategies inside out. With NCVO forecasting £4 billion lost in just 12 weeks, legacies devalued, trust and corporate investments hit, it’s enough to make you want to pack up and go home. But wait. You already are home (or maybe you’ve just gone back to work?). So much of everything that has happened is out of our control. But now the initial shock is over, we can control the way we choose to respond. You could sit and mourn what was. Lament over the unfairness of it all. Or you could pick yourself up and start thinking forward. After all, your charity has a world to change, and that means:

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Alex Wortley

Marketing and Communications Specialist

If you currently have the capacity to communicate with your target audience, you should be, regardless of your visitor attraction not being open for business. It really is as simple as that.

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Steve Thomas

Finance and project-based accounting expert

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has affected workers and companies of all kinds around the world. We have been dealing with dramatic changes to our way of life and the way we conduct business. Many people have switched to working from home, and as a consequence, cloud computing using SaaS technology has become more important than ever. It has enabled some businesses to carry on running as usual despite the challenges posed by the need to support social distancing. Employers and employees who were frustrated by the disruption to begin with are now discovering the advantages of this way of working.

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