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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Rhiannon Hulse

Divisional Marketing Manager - Digital Learning and Compliance | Access People

For many employers, there is no choice but to have staff physically at work rather than working from home. In some instances, it can be a significant proportion of the workforce. From construction and manufacturing to transport, logistics and food production – there are a variety of sectors having to make significant steps to stay on top of the workplace Covid-19 risk. The good news is that there is practical help available. 

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As we find ourselves in another lockdown and with all restaurants, pubs, hotels and cafes closed again, businesses find themselves pivoting towards takeaway, click and collect and /or delivery once again.

While some businesses set themselves up during previous lockdowns to serve food for customers to takeaway, or for delivery, there are still businesses who will be new to this and social distancing measures also make the provision more challenging for everyone.

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Nick Wilding

Cyber Resilience Specialist

UK Finance, the trade body for the banking and finance industry in the UK, warned last year about the top 10 cyber fraud scams used during the Covid-19 crisis to trick people and organisations out of hard-won cash and company revenues. Many of these scams still apply in the current climate. They are as follows:

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Madalina Pirvu

Visitor Attraction Software Specialist

The pandemic has changed the way we travel for ever. In the long term, this could be a positive thing.

The most obvious change is the switch to domestic travel. With international travel likely to remain difficult, expensive and inconvenient for the foreseeable, any stigma attached to holidaying at home has fallen by the wayside. And as people discover the joys of the staycation, they’re more likely to include it in their annual holiday repertoire for many years to come.

It’s not just attitudes to domestic travel that are changing. The way we holiday at home is evolving too – for the better. It’s becoming deeper, more considerate and more diverse – both in age and in number of legs!

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Ryan Sparrow

Marketing Programmes Manager

Working from home. It’s all anyone ever talks about now. You can’t visit a website without seeing remote working advice - and with good reason.

But what about those that don’t want to work at home and miss the office? The buzz, the camaraderie, the motivation. Where’s the advice for those that want to get back to the office?

Some thoughts and observations:

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

Congratulations! You made it to 2021. You might be glad to escape the coronacoaster that was last year, but whilst the going has been tough, we would be doing the sector a disservice if we didn’t take the time to reflect on the highs. It has not been easy, but it hasn’t all been doom and gloom. So read on, and check out our five favourite fundraising moments from 2020 and the lessons we can all learn.

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Madalina Pirvu

Charity Website Specialist

Legacy giving. It might not be the most glamorous subject, but there’s real potential in the power of a well-tuned programme. Building on several years of strong growth, in 2017/18 Smee & Ford reported legacy gifts topping £3 billion for the first time – with much room for growth (in fact, in their 2019 report, it was estimated that legacy giving could be worth another £10.9 billion to the sector). The picture changed a bit this last year, with the value of legacy giving dropping for the first time since 2011. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for growth. After all, legacy giving has always been about the long game!

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Software

Working from home used to be a luxury - a benefit employers offered to staff to demonstrate they cared about their staff’s wellbeing, work life balance and acknowledged the pressures that surround us all outside of the office.

With this as a necessity today, firms are quickly learning how to ensure this is a sustainable reality for their staff, whilst ensuring they are set up to work as efficiently, securely, and compliantly as possible.

So here are our top tips to support you in your journey:

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Madalina Pirvu

Visitor Attraction Software Specialist

As we emerge from lockdown 2.0 into a tiered system that, for many of us, is almost as restrictive, we thought some examples of innovative responses to the impact of the coronavirus might help boost flagging creativity. It’s been a long old year so let’s look backwards for the strength and motivation we need to move forwards!

If you’re searching for fresh ways to boost your visitor attraction’s revenue and maintain brand awareness and engagement, check out these three innovative ways that tourism businesses around the world have reacted to the global pandemic. We’ve included eight specific examples to help inject some real-life inspiration into your next brainstorming session.

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Madalina Pirvu

Charity Software Specialist

Giving Tuesday is a day of global giving. Last year, charities in the UK raised £10,000 a minute. That’s £14.4 million in 24 hours. Not bad, huh? But here’s the thing. Giving Tuesday is not just about giving money. No. The sector’s response to the infamous antics of Black Friday, Giving Tuesday is about giving back. In any way that you can. When end-of-year targets are looming, it can be easy to forget this simple truth. But as people up and down the UK grapple with the economic impact of COVID-19, charities need to get creative with their fundraising asks. To encourage giving in every shape and form.

Finding value in non-financial asks

Not every gift has to be financial, so we’ve pulled together examples of fundraising asks that go above and beyond money. This does not mean they don’t have value. Far from it. When you add up the contributions of non-financial gifts, you might be surprised. You might even find you have raised more than you would from a traditional capital request. Non-financial asks can also be a great way to help plug the gap in core funding. To bring in essential skills and resources that funders don’t like to fund.

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