Case study: New finance software saves Amoria Bond two full time hires

Business size


Access Financial Management Software, Financials Operations and Recruitment Software

- Amoria Bond found that their various disparate systems weren’t able to produce the reports they needed to support their operations in multiple countries.
- Implemented Access Financial Management Software & Access Financials Operations which integrated with its other software, including the Access recruitment solution.
- Removed manual processes and saved two full time hires.
The challenge...
With offices spread around the world, and the challenges that come with operating in different currencies and reporting in different departments, Amoria Bond found that their various disparate systems weren’t able to produce the reports they needed. This led to an over reliance of off-line programmes, and in particular, Microsoft Excel. Tracy Jeffrey, Operations Director, said, “Everything we did was very time consuming, and was also a huge drain on people resources.”
The Solution...
Amoria Bond invested in Access Financials & Access Financials Operations which integrated with its other software, including the recruitment solution RDB ProNet. They chose Access as it provided them with the versatility to be able to report in different areas, functions, cost centres and currencies. Alongside this, they could also bring in bespoke elements and tailor it to suit their precise business needs, and no other providers could offer this.
The Result...
Since going live with Access Financials & Access Financials Operations all of Amoria Bond’s software communicates on a live basis and they can report within an hour of data being put onto the system. Their productivity has increased, which increases their workflows, and cash flow and makes the business far more efficient than it was before.
The business has been able to improve its productivity through automating processes. They used to have a weekly invoice process for their sales invoices, and weekly processing for contractors. They’re now able to produce those on a daily basis. “I’m now far more on top of situations that I perhaps didn’t have visibility of before, and I can see areas of the business I previously couldn’t. This means I’m able to give relevant information to the board.”
The new finance software has also saved Amoria Bond two full time hires as the automated processes save on people hours. “Working with Access was really easy as they work in a very similar way to us. All the different people we’ve liaised with from project managers to developers have known the product and been able to teach us what the product is about. Access are passionate about their software, so it’s very easy to be able to have answers and help and advice which directly benefits the business,” concluded Tracey.