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Legal Case Management

Legal Case Management advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Jo Hunter

Legal Sector Marketing Specialist

A Book Review – ‘Tomorrow’s Lawyer’ by Professor Richard Susskind OBE
Third Edition, Published on 7-2-23

Reflecting on the new edition of Richard Susskind’s book “Tomorrow’s Lawyer” many of my colleagues at Access Legal and our law firm customers are debating and asking what the law firm of the future will look like, and particularly what role technology will play.

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Jo Hunter

Legal Sector Marketing Specialist

At Access Legal, talking to law firms, we hear four phrases on a daily basis:

  • Matter management
  • Case management
  • Practice management
  • Document management

They are of course four distinct but highly-related concepts that are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the four. This blog sets out to define all four in the context of law firm management and the tools that solicitors’ practices use.

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Jo Hunter

Legal Sector Marketing Specialist

As a leading team of law firm software specialists, we are often asked by our customers and prospects what the top technology trends are for the profession and what is coming next. In answer to this we have collated our list of top trending tech that we see making the greatest strides within the legal sector currently, as well as a few technologies we know are on the horizon for law firms.

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Ryan Sparrow

Marketing Programmes Manager

Learning and Development is a vital component of any successful law firm. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the SRA Code of Conduct for Firm provides that firms must ensure employees and managers are competent to carry out their role compliantly, ethically and legally.  

But even without the regulatory requirement to maintain competence, it makes good business sense. Without an effective L&D programme in place, firms are at risk of non-compliance, delays in their matters and loss of talent to competitors. This puts the firm at risk of hefty fines, reputational damage and increased recruitment costs, each of which could lead to thousands of pounds in costs. 

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Mehmet Ismail

Legal Software Account Specialist

In the legal sector, it can be challenging to stay on top of the ever-increasing workload. As a mid-sized or larger law firm in the UK, you need to have access to reliable, scalable and secure case management software that will help streamline processes and enable every member of your firm – from Partner Managers, Associates and Paralegals right through to your Admin staff and IT team to work more efficiently.

For any mid-sized or larger law firm, the right software can make a world of difference in how you manage cases, communicate with clients and streamline processes across the business.

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Emma Flack

Divisional Marketing Manager

One of the most common questions is the difference between case management and matter management solutions and the benefits to your law firm. We explore these two differing but similar concepts in this blog.

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Toby Sewell

Divisional Marketing Manager

There’s lots of things to consider when selecting new legal software solutions and one of the key criteria is the post-sales or after-sales services provided. In this article, we review what services and resources are available when you select Access Legal as your legal technology partner.

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Emma Flack

Divisional Marketing Manager

Any law firm or legal department must build a solid legal tech stack to ensure successful and affordable operations. You must understand which components your firm requires to build a custom tech stack for the present and future that puts you one step ahead of the competition and helps your firm operate as effectively as possible if you want to realise the potential of legal technology fully. This blog explores the options available and how to avoid common pitfalls.

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Emma Flack

Divisional Marketing Manager

Year after year, the public sector is asked to look internally to see if additional savings can be had; a recent analysis by the Local Government Association warns that councils in England face extra cost pressures of almost £8 billion by 2024/25 to keep vital local services running at today’s level.1

This blog explores ways legal case management can aid this cost-saving exercise within the public sector.

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Emma Flack

Divisional Marketing Manager

Have you ever paused to consider the type of legal management system you're utilising in today’s fast-paced world? You want it to do what you want when you want it to; thus, the answer is probably no.

Although law firms employ legal case management and legal practice management software to organise their workflow, they have different functions.

We examine the variations and how your legal practice may profit from them.

It's time we resolved the age-old debate over the distinction between case and practice management. Law firms are becoming more computer-savvy and continuously striving to expand and improve their tech stack.

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