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Legal Case Management

Legal Case Management advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Jo Hunter

Legal Marketing Specialist

In this blog we explore 5 probable reasons and tips to overcome them

In terms of law firm software, if your fee earners are unwilling to embrace the software the Partners have provided to help them manage their caseloads, it’s almost certainly about buy-in. Your fee earners are probably so focused on the day-to-day pressures of earning fees, they are simply struggling to see the wood for the trees. In other words, they may not be able to clearly see the true value of the legal case management software available to them. In this blog we explore 5 probable reasons for this, as well as some practical tips to overcome them. But first some context.

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Jo Hunter

Legal Marketing Specialist

Every law firm is different, each with its own unique characteristics. A law firm that practises several areas of law, manages complex cases and has sophisticated fee earner needs is probably better with a fully integrated suite of practice management software. Especially for its staple software modules such as legal accounts, case management, time recording and CRM (client relationship management). The more straight-forward law firm, specialising in just one niche area of law perhaps, may be fine with separate applications.

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Toby Sewell

Divisional Marketing Manager at Access Legal

It’s a question we often get from our law firm customers and one that’s top of the agenda for many senior partners and managers in the legal sector. In this article, we look at why legal client experience is now one of the most important parts of a successful law firm’s strategy and some top tips for law firms to consider.  

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

The focus on firms and whether they are complying with their anti-money laundering obligations continues, with a further firm having recently been fined £2,000 for multiple breaches, including it telling the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) it had a compliant firm wide risk assessment (FWRA) in place when it didn’t; it also didn’t have in place compliant AML policies, controls and procedures.

The property sector remains a high risk area of work and according to the latest Financial Action Task Force (FATF) report there is “a poor level of understanding” of AML risks and how to mitigate them.

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Jo Hunter

Legal Marketing Specialist

The short answer is yes. However, law firms should avoid taking workflow customisation too far. Intuitive workflow customisation functionality is a key benefit of flexible case management software.  Experts in specific areas of law – e.g. conveyancing, crime, personal injury – to name just a few – are well-positioned to enhance the running of legal departments, through workflow customisation, enabling firms to drive greater efficiency and increase profitability. Over-complicated workflows, however, are rarely used to their full potential by busy fee earners, and are incredibly difficult to support. A happy balance needs to be achieved.

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Access Legal

A law firm’s decision to switch to new software can be based on a wide variety of reasons, but one thing they all have in common is they are all striving to make their businesses better.

Changing software is no small undertaking. It affects everyone in the firm. But with the right supplier a software switch for the right reasons will undoubtedly improve the business.

With many years of experience in the legal software sector, we are pleased to be at a point where we receive many enquiries for Access Legal software every day. In this blog we reflect on our analysis relating to the seven main reasons law firms are choosing to switch to new legal software.

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Access Legal

Time is a big deal for any law firm and possibly one of the most challenging aspects of running any legal practice.

This blog poses the question: ‘Do your fee earners effectively value, manage and capture your firm’s most precious commodity?’

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Access Legal

Law firms look to the marketplace for new business software for a wide variety of reasons, but on the whole most are underpinned by a desire to better manage their caseloads, their finances and their client relationships.

When firms find their fee earners are spending a significant proportion of their time doing necessary but trivial tasks that don’t add any value whatsoever, such as:

  • Entering data manually
  • Retrieving data that is siloed within disparate software applications
  • Enduring inefficient inter-departmental workflows
  • Living with inadequate reporting

…it is definitely time to start reviewing the firm’s software situation.

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Access Legal

Legal case and practice management software pricing – what law firm buyers can expect?

When it comes to paying for software there is a vast array of pricing models you may come across when reviewing the legal software space. With legal tech, many software providers offer cloud solutions only these days, i.e. software that is hosted securely on the cloud for which you pay a monthly fee per user. Other suppliers however, offer both cloud and on-premise options.

The options are split down further. Law firm software for the cloud usually comes with two choices. It’s either pure SaaS (software-as-a-service) sometimes referred to as browser-based software or web-based software. The user interface in this scenario is a web page accessed via the user’s browser. Its servers are typically outside the firm’s local area network, and users control and run the software and process data from their local desktop device. The other cloud-based option is cloud desktop software – which is still SaaS, but it uses a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The RDP connects desktop PCs and laptops to operating systems and applications that are running on a remote server in the cloud. This scenario enables all processing to be done in the cloud, whilst the desktop device only needs enough computing power to display what is happening in the software graphically to the user, on their local desktop screen.

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