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Learning Management System

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Connor Maddy

Digital Learning and Compliance

Having recently covered microlearning and some of the key benefits it brings to an increasingly digital world within a previous blog post, here we’ll be expanding further upon one of these benefits - learning in the flow of work.

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Shian Williams

Divisional Marketing Manager, Digital Learning & Compliance

I think we have all found ourselves in a situation where our to-do list seems endless, deadlines are fast approaching, and you find yourself feeling ‘stressed!’ Everyone deals with stress in different ways. Sometimes you can immediately recognise the symptoms, but worryingly there are times you might keep going without recognising them and addressing the underlying issue. Stress affects us both physically and mentally and can affect the way you behave.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director for Digital Learning and Compliance

Ensuring all of your staff are engaged with your compliance programme is critical if you want to avoid damaging your firm’s reputation and regulatory standing.  During our recent webinar, we covered a variety of ways in which this can be achieved.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director for Digital Learning and Compliance

Our recent webinar looking at how to maintain compliance whilst working remotely covered key areas including supervision and communication with staff, cyber risks, health & safety, confidentiality, competency, data protection issues and client due diligence.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director of Digital Learning and Compliance

During our recent compliance update webinar, we referenced a quote heard from a senior CQS assessor, who said, “You fail CQS, and you might as well stop doing residential property!” With that in mind, we thought it would be useful to provide you with our thoughts on how you can comply with key aspects of the Core Practice Management Standards (CPMS) during these difficult times.

Where you are unable to fully meet the CPMS requirements, ensure you make and retain appropriate notes to show what consideration you have given to matters; if no such notes are available then full compliance will be expected.

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The workplace is a world away from where it was a month ago; some of our employees are away from work and isolating, and increasingly many employees are now on furlough leave.

So how can you support your remote teams and those on furlough leave? How can you help them to continue to learn, develop and stay connected to what is their ‘norm’ – work?! How do you keep them motivated and retain the talent you have?

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Connor Maddy

Digital Learning and Compliance

Today we find most of us working from home, no long commutes, rushing home to collect the children. This is not to suggest that we’re less busy, but the blurring of work and home life has necessarily forced adaptations and flexibility to where, when and how we are working and learning.

If, like me, you’re finding busier periods are happening later in the day, but you’re still very much in ‘office mode’ during the traditional 9-5 period, it may be time to consider the ways in which we add value to these less hectic moments. 

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Shian Williams

Digital Learning and Compliance

HR and L&D teams are currently facing challenges no one could ever have predicted. The tasks feel countless and pressure endless.  It’s fair to say that even the most agile of organisations over the past weeks have had to adapt in ways they could never have foreseen.

All business continuity plans have been tested to the nth degree. Never in our lifetimes have we seen not only organisations, but the world forced to operate in such an agile manner.

Our HR and L&D managers have had to respond to situations they never thought they would, and the next challenge is how do they make this current working situation as manageable as they can for their employees and how do they continue to keep them motivated and engaged?


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As the world of warehousing, e-commerce and fulfilment continues to grow – from the likes of the US giants to the familiar doorstep deliveries such as Ocado – more of the UK workforce are involved than ever.

These large distribution sites can be overlooked due to their locations, and their 24/7/365 packing and distribution services are taken for granted by 87% of us who buy goods online.

As the sector grows, and with increased media focus and scrutiny, what are some of the issues?

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With the start of a new year, many HR, Learning & Development and Training Managers are looking at annual objective setting and reviewing appraisal processes for the coming year.

Recent research found that employees and managers both want to do away with the once a year annual appraisal and would prefer regular catch-ups throughout the year.

In addition, they want the autonomy and flexibility to set their own objectives to make them relevant to their own role and development opportunities.

Lack of appropriate supporting technology is cited as one of the primary barriers to enabling an organisation to adopt these approaches in their performance management framework.

Here we have provided our top tips for improving your performance reviews, along with how a Learning Management System (LMS) can be the answer to successful performance management.

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