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The Access Care Suite
Whether you’re a single provider or part of a large group, we have a comprehensive and integrated suite of web-based care management solutions for all areas of social care.

Visitor booking for care
Access Collins enables you to automate visitor bookings so you can manage visitor numbers and ensure appropriate buffer times between visits whilst social distancing continues. The software keeps your clients connected to their loved ones, whilst ensuring safety.

Care planning – residential care
Care and Clinical helps you to evidence the quality care that is delivered to residents, helping businesses manage risk and support compliance. All your resident interactions are in one place, making it easy to access and audit key information.

Care compliance
The only complete governance tool in care, it helps you improve the quality of care by giving you a view of compliance across multiple services.

Care planning – domiciliary care
Access Care Planning is a comprehensive care management mobile app. It includes complete digital care plans and forms, eMAR, family & funder access, automated alerts and visit verification, all in one easy to use and configurable platform.

Medication management
The safer, more accurate and efficient way to manage, record and monitor medication administration.

People Planner - Community
Bringing together employee management, client and funder management, planning and rostering, real-time monitoring, reconciliation, finance and payroll in one easy to use system.

People Planner - Residential
A comprehensive care home management software, which gives you the freedom to deliver outstanding care.