Providing pharmacy services to care homes
Working in partnership with your care and residential homes. Our pharmacy management software provides a safer, more responsible, and efficient way for your Care Homes to manage residents’ medication.
Our eMAR solution automates medication management between pharmacies and care homes, delivering more innovative, efficient processes and improved safety of residents. The software makes it simple and compliant for both care home and pharmacy staff.

Pharmacy Partnership Programme
To let more care and nursing homes discover the benefits of electronic medication management, we have introduced our pharmacy partnership programme for Access Medication Management.
The scheme offers unrivalled integration between care and nursing homes and Pharmacy services, and gives you a more efficient, reliable service, helping you attract more clients and grow.
If you are interested in finding out more of how the Pharmacy Partnership Programme can benefit your business and your customers, view our factsheet.
With systems working together, you can deliver joined-up medication management and get a more holistic picture of an individual’s care.

Integration between your pharmacy and care homes
- Integrate with your patient medication record (PMR) systems, enabling a single data entry point to be used for these processes.
- A single source of information reduces the risk of dispensing errors that can occur with multiple entries.
- Help reduce the time needed for medicine-associated tasks, such as booking medication.
- Make medication administration more efficient by ensuring residents get their medications on time.
- Support care homes to provide a safe operation, with efficient stock management, ordering and administering medications.
- Feed directly into Access Medication Management, keeping track of medication stocks in care homes.

See how we can support your Pharmacies
Pharmacy Messaging System
- Improve communication between pharmacies and care homes, with the added assurance of audit and report capabilities.
- Our solutions enable information to be shared securely between pharmacies and their homes, providing pharmacies with opportunities to expand and deliver premium services.

eMAR – Is it for me? Whitepaper
Our medication management solution is the safer, more accurate and efficient way to manage, record and monitor medication administration and is used by care providers, whether small, medium, or large.
Your complete guide to the solutions and software we offer to pharmacy organisations.