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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Chris Moore

Account Manager

The most recent consumer research is demonstrating that consumers are increasingly prioritising experiences over buying ‘stuff’, and it’s a trend that has only grown since the relaxation of covid-19 restrictions which has made people value spending more time with their loved ones.

In a travel report by The Mastercard Economics Institute, published in May 2022, global tourism spending at bars and nightclubs was 72% higher than that recorded in April 2019, while spending at experiential venues such as amusement parks, museums and concerts is 35% above pre-pandemic figures[1].

With people seeking more places, and ways, to create memorable experiences, it’s not surprising that the number of experience venues has been on the increase.

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Jen Grenside

Digital Content Writer for Hospitality

Have you ever wondered how you can get your venue at the top of Google’s search results? Although it takes some hard work, it’s definitely an achievable goal that can be fulfilled with the right information and resources.  

And it’s certainly a strategy worth adopting. Our Tech Shift report* found that with more consumers than ever before starting their customer journey online at home, a strong online presence is essential.  

Here at Access, we help our customers streamline their digital user journeys to provide the best pre-visit experience possible – but for your potential customers to land on your website, they need to find you first!  

In this article, we’ll discuss the ways you can help your venue get to the top of a Google search by optimising your SEO ranking. 

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Chris Moore

Account Manager

How do you attract new customers to your restaurant? Every restaurant operator has asked themselves this question. And you’ve come to the right place, because today we’re going to answer that very question.  

With so many restaurants to choose from, a customer can often be overwhelmed with choice. A great way to get them through your door over your competitors can be enticing promotions which attract new customers to your venue.  

At Access we help thousands of restaurant operators utilise software solutions to attract and retain new customers, building a solid base of customers loyal to their brand. And, with new customers, it often starts with promotions.  

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Running a successful hospitality business requires strategic and informed decisions. If you're relying on time-consuming manual reports and spreadsheets to analyse your data, it can be hard to get the timely, actionable insights you need. Whether you already have an EPoS system in place, or just checking if implementing it within your pub, bar or restaurant will truly help, you're on the right track. Your EPoS can give you data-driven insights to unlock your business's full potential. But how do you use your EPoS data to make strategic business decisions?  

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Chris Moore

Account Manager

Are you wondering if you should be adding Google Reservations for restaurants as one of your booking channels? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article we’re going to look at what Reserve with Google does, how it works and how you can get set up to start taking reservations through the world’s biggest search engine. 

At Access, we have plenty of experience with Reserve with Google, our cloud-based reservation management system, Access Collins was the first restaurant booking system to offer customers the ability to make enquiries and take bookings through Google. Because of this experience, as well as the experience of our users, we have a strong sense for what you'll need to know to make Reserve with Google an integral part of your restaurant's success moving forward. 

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Chris Moore

There was a time when a long restaurant queue signified that an establishment was something special: The hotter the restaurant, the bigger the queue of eager diners snaking along the street outside.

But times have changed. The Covid-19 pandemic saw hospitality businesses adjusting the way they operated – restrictions meant it was essential that bookings were taken for correct party numbers – and consumers changing their behaviour. Now, booking ahead, particularly online, has become the norm for diners. In fact, 54% of frequent diners said they would be deterred from visiting a restaurant if they couldn’t pre-book online, according to the Hospitality Tech Shift Report by Access in partnership with CGA.

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Chris Moore

When speaking with our clients about common problems faced in their venue (which often affect revenue, customer satisfaction or ease of service) there are a few key things that you can be sure will crop up. Combatting costly no-shows, battling with tricky booking systems or a lack of functional table management can all impact the efficiency of your restaurant.

We often find that when looking at how to solve these problems with our clients, there can be some hesitance in moving away from their usual way of doing things and putting their trust in technology to give them a helping hand. It can be difficult to know which system will work best for you, with so many options to choose from.

As leaders in hospitality software, when developing our table management system we, Access Collins, worked with industry professionals to build a solution which would take the stress out of service in response to the problems we knew our clients faced.  In this article, we will look at how different table management solutions tackle these problems, their benefits and how to work out which best suits your business.

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Leighanne Bent

Senior DesignMyNight Marketing and PR Manager

DesignMyNight’s annual Brunch Weekender campaign is back on 24th and 25th September with a secret brunch party in tow and more discounts than ever seen before.


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Never before has flexibility in sales forecasting for hospitality been so important. But with so many variables, how do you ensure the most accurate sales forecast for your business?

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Andrew Sestak

Customer Success Manager

With the new mandatory calorie labelling legislation coming in soon we look at how you can turn a big change into a business opportunity and help improve the guest experience in your venue.

The thought of dealing with another new set of rules surrounding the new calorie labelling legislation may feel like a massive headache after such a challenging couple of years. Again, the cost of implementing the huge operational and practical changes are to be absorbed by hospitality business operators. But we like to think that every change presents us with an opportunity. Whether that be a chance to look at how we run our business? Or even where we position ourselves as a brand.

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