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Access Legal

The legal industry in the United Kingdom has become increasingly competitive in recent years, with law firms of all sizes vying for clients and market share. To stay competitive, law firms must use the latest legal technology, including legal software that helps them manage their cases, streamline their operations, and deliver exceptional client service. But how do large law firms pick the legal software that is best for them? This article will explore the key factors that large law firms should consider when choosing the right solution. 

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Access Legal

Integrating your practice management and document management systems can offer a wide range of benefits to your business, including increased efficiency, improved organization, and enhanced security. In this blog post, we will explore the top benefits of integrating these two systems and how they can help your business thrive. 

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Access Legal

Local authorities and councils in the UK have a wide range of responsibilities that require the use of software to manage operations efficiently. Legal software is a critical component of these systems, as it ensures that local authorities and councils are compliant with the relevant laws and regulations. In this article, we will explore the importance of legal software for local authorities and councils in the UK. 

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Access Legal

Marketing is an essential part of any business, and law firms are no exception. With so many law firms competing for clients, it's crucial to use the latest legal marketing trends to attract and retain clients. In this blog, we'll explore how law firms can use legal marketing trends to market their services effectively.

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Emma Flack

We can’t escape it; digital transformation is here to stay, and it’s not just for large multinational law firms but for all sizes and types of law firms.

The term digital transformation refers to the process of using digital technologies to transform and modernise traditional business operations, cultures and customer experiences. In the context of law firms, this means leveraging technology to improve efficiency and expand their services as they strive to stay competitive in an increasingly digital world.

By 2025 70% of organisations will implement structured infrastructure automation to deliver flexibility and efficiency, up from 20% in 2021

Gartner – Predicts 2022: Driving Toward Digital Infrastructure Platforms.

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Jo Hunter

Legal Marketing Specialist

It is estimated to take anywhere from between 6 and 18 months for a law firm to become paperless, if they are serious about doing so. A medium-sized law firm with the right approach could be almost entirely paperless within a 6-month period, depending on the size and complexity of the Practice. A small firm should definitely be able to achieve it sooner. Whilst at the other end of the scale a very large, long-established firm with many traditional paper-based processes still in place, could easily take up to 18 months to become completely independent of paper. 

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Laura Wilkes

Risk and Compliance Associate

Conveyancing is an ever growing area of work which constantly evolves in relation to regulatory requirements and applicable legislation, such as Money Laundering Regulations and the UK Sanctions Regime. Our team works with both SRA and CLC Regulated firms, and it has been fascinating over the years identifying the differences between the two.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In our recent webinar we looked at the changes that are being made to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) Scheme Rules (‘Rules’) from 1 April 2023; we also covered the feedback we had obtained from the LeO in relation to a number of questions we had around the changes.

The LeO has been keen to point out the purpose of the changes, with the Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints saying, “The changes are not about closing doors to customers but about identifying new freedoms and building in the ability to resolve complaints in a proportionate and more efficient way. It is about achieving a more balanced approach and creating a quicker customer experience, whilst retaining the core benefit of accessing independent and fair legal redress.”

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

In the last week we have seen the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) really flexing its muscles and using its new enhanced fining powers, in one case it fined a firm £20,000 for its ‘reckless’ failure to comply with the anti-money laundering requirements; this was the highest fine so far for such breaches.

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Brian Rogers

Regulatory Director, Access Legal

Avoiding getting caught up in money laundering is critical for lawyers and their firms, especially when the sanction for doing so could be as high as 14 years in prison, or what is soon likely to be an unlimited fine from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)!

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