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Learning Management System

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Jess Gillett

Learning Manager

Being a Learning Management System Administrator means that you are responsible for the day-to-day running of the platform. As part of your role you will probably follow certain processes for rolling out learning to your organisation and managing your users. Over time you may have created a number of helpful reports and set them up to be sent to key stakeholders at certain times of the month. But have you thought about what happens when you need to pass the reins to a new Administrator?

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Staff onboarding can be a complex process, and in hospitality, it presents an unique set of challenges with many legislative areas that need specific areas of training – such as serving alcohol, allergens, and food safety as well as the majority of hospitality workers being in deskless roles. Add to that the fact that staff turnover in the hospitality industry stands at double the UK average (30%), and it’s clear to see why proper onboarding is something that hospitality operators should focus on. 

Here at Access, we’re familiar with the onboarding process. Through our accessible LMS we are delivering hospitality training courses to thousands of new hospitality employees daily, and we have helped companies such as Namco BNAE to develop and implement custom induction programmes to help get their new starters onboarded. It’s fair to say that we’ve picked up a few tips and tricks along the way. 

So, why is an effective and consistent staff onboarding process critical for hospitality businesses, and what happens when you don’t have one in place? In this article, we’ll examine the importance of getting it right, share our top tips, and look at some of the common mistakes to avoid. 

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David Gristwood

In today's ever-evolving work landscape, characterised by remote and hybrid work setups, mobile learning has emerged as a game-changer. 

People are working from home much more, offices are even closing faster than ever before. And don’t forget many people never worked in an office to start with, such as construction, retail and hospitality workers.  

In conjunction with the fast-evolving work landscape, mobile phones are now the dominant way that people access the internet, in fact, according to a recent survey 71% of internet traffic is now through mobiles. 

Against this backdrop, this article explores the numerous benefits of mobile learning content for modern professionals, who seek flexibility, convenience, and personalised learning experiences. We delve into the key factors that contribute to the effectiveness of mobile learning content and how this enables professionals to learn in bite-sized chunks whenever and wherever it suits them. 

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Nicola Blandamour

Content Manager, Digital Learning

Recently, we attended Learning Tech 2023, one of the most influential conferences and exhibitions in the realm of organisational learning and development. 

Drawing together professionals from across the industry and showcasing thought leadership and technology trends in learning and development, this event shed light on a number of focus areas for the sector. 

In this article, we bring you a glimpse into the Conference of Learning Tech 2023, summarising 10 key themes we noted across a wide range of talks. 

The themes we cover are: 

Embracing Change 

1. Seeing Opportunity in Change 
2. Utilising New Technologies 
3. Harnessing Diversity 

Shifting the way we work 

4. Building Connections 
5. Agile and Unified Planning 
6. Cultivating a Thriving Learning Culture 

The Right Tools and Strategies to Make it Happen 

7. Measuring and Analysing Impact 
8. Nurturing Self-Directed Learning 
9. Advancing Personalised Learning 
10. Developing Skills for Organisational Agility 

There’s lots to cover, but we promise it will be worth your while - so grab a drink, get comfy -  and let's uncover how these themes can empower your organisation to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of workplace learning.... 

Estimated read time: 8 minutes

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Scott Peplow

Learning Designer

With increased cybersecurity threats, digital transformation and growing privacy concerns, the need for data protection in 2023 is more critical than ever. Protecting personal information, preventing identity theft and ensuring business compliance are all major pillars which can’t be ignored.

Despite this being the case, some view Data Protection as merely a tick-box exercise which can make providing valuable learning on the subject a tricky task. Pairing this with often jargon-heavy and complex information means that a topic which should be simple can instead be considered complicated and convoluted.

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David Gristwood

Learning Lead, Cyber Awareness and Resilience

Cyber threats have become increasingly frequent and sophisticated in recent years, and businesses of all sizes and industries are vulnerable to these attacks. In fact, recently reported that 39% of UK businesses have experienced a cyber attack in 2022 and of these businesses, 31% estimate they were attacked at least once a week. In 2023, it is more crucial than ever to protect your business from cyber attacks like these in order to safeguard your operations, reputation, and financial health.

David Gristwood is a Learning Lead for Access Learning course content. He specialises in course design for Cyber security training.  

In this blog he covers 4 areas you should run through to make sure you’ve got your business’ cyber resilience covered: 

    • Cyber attack response planning 
    • Staff knowledge to protect your business from cyber attacks 
    • Cyber Security Policies 
    • Supply chain weaknesses 

For further support you can also access our free guide – Making Your Workforce Cyber Resilient 

Estimated read time: 4 minutes


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Scott Peplow

Anti-Money Laundering Training Learning Designer

According to the United Nations, up to 1.7 trillion pounds are laundered every year globally. 

The risk of unintentionally facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing is present for all financial professionals. The consequences of being involved in money laundering, either knowingly or unknowingly can be severe. 

The primary money laundering offences carry a maximum penalty of 14 years' imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. 

It is essential that all financial professionals know about money laundering, how to spot the signs, and what to do if they suspect money laundering is taking place. 

In this article we answer the questions of: 

    • What is money laundering and terrorist financing? 
    • What are examples of money laundering? 
    • How do I spot the signs of money laundering? 

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

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In this blog we answer: 

    • What is self awareness in the workplace? 

    • Why is self awareness important in the workplace? – 4 advantages 

    • How to improve self awareness in the workplace? 

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Hilmi Sunay

Senior Product Manager for Access Career Development

In this blog we will explore 4 reasons why staff development is important: 

    • Enhancing retention 
    • Maximising performance 
    • Uncovering leadership potential 
    • Becoming an employer of choice 

We also provide access to our free guide Empowering Your Talent

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Estimated read time - 7 minutes

In this article we'll discuss:

    • Ways in which career advisers can offer practical advice.
    • How to use resources to link up students with placement opportunities.
    • Helping students gain the life skills they need to succeed in their desired career fields.

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