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Humanising the Employee Experience

I don’t think anyone is in doubt that nearly every aspect of life today is dramatically different to how it was 12 months ago. A few of the impactful changes we have seen are:

  • Face masks becoming the norm
  • An increased focus on our health and wellbeing
  • The exchange of handshakes for social distancing and elbow bumps
  • An increase in online purchasing
  • Computer screens fast became our window to the world
  • Finding solidarity in social recognition

The disruption we have witnessed is leading to a new phase in our working lives. As a result, organisations will need to examine how they create value and start to develop a more human-centred future. The role HR plays in this will be pivotal going forward, ultimately shaping the future of Work, the Workforce and the Workplace.

Building the future of Work

When building a new culture and employee experience, it is important to focus on the moments that matter to each individual. From the first to the last touchpoint a worker has with your organisation, everything they see, do and learn contributes to their employee experience. The blurring of our personal and work lives mean the moments that matter to employees transcend personal boundaries and can include:

  • Our first day of work
  • A promotion
  • Moving house
  • Having a baby
  • Receiving feedback

By focusing on these moments, organisations can humanise the employee experience as opposed to looking at staff as individuals employed to do a job. 

Why is this so important?

There is a direct correlation between the employee experience and delivering improved performance. When researching the commonalities and differences between organisations with high and low-performance levels, research organisation Gallup, found those with highly engaged workforces outperformed their peers in terms of profitability, quality of work, productivity and shareholder value while reducing safety incidents and absenteeism.

Herald a new beginning with reboarding

Reboarding has historically been used after periods of prolonged absence from work, but in a post-pandemic world, reboarding has new meaning. Today, reboarding is the concept of bringing people back after a prolonged absence or when working conditions have significantly changed. It is an opportunity to re-engage with staff and change how you work for the better.

For the millions of people returning back to work, many will find that the work they are coming back to will have changed and organisations need to manage this adjustment, ease anxieties and help staff to re-familiarise themselves with the organisation and the role they play, company culture and their wider team.

When reboarding teams, make sure to deliver information in short, concise bursts to prevent employees from getting overwhelmed and meet learners where they are, delivering on-demand learning that is as accessible as a google search, making it fun and engaging, ensuring that knowledge doesn’t just land, it sticks. The learning management system offered by Access People will support you with this, containing extensive compliance and a learning library for teams to learn the way they want to learn, bringing knowledge to life through engaging games, videos and questionnaires.

Looking to the future

Focusing on people and how you want to work in the future is the next frontier. To do this, HR professionals need to bring the employee experience into the heart of their strategy, looking at how they can build organisational resilience through a hybrid workplace and embracing automation to help employees become more productive. 

A digital toolbox where employees can collaborate, communicate and develop smarter ways of working, coupled with a deeper understanding of how they think, feel and what motivates them will develop a personalised experience for each member of your workforce. By reinventing the role of HR as agile leaders, cultural champions and growth enablers, teams and talent will thrive and your workforce will be inspired to adopt new behaviours and beliefs, preparing them to be future-ready while driving productivity for the business.

To learn more about humanising the employee experience, access our on-demand webinar in conjunction with HR Grapevine.