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Kit Morris

With our reliance on artificial intelligence in accounting growing constantly, what are the soft skills accountants need to focus on to future-proof their careers?

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Kit Morris

You would have to live under a rock not to have heard of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in 2023! Generative AI has been in a hype cycle all over the news, demonstrating how it is changing the game for many industries, from manufacturing to drug design. 

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Kit Morris

Right Brain Insights (RBI) uses Fathom for ongoing client engagement and delivery of financial analysis. 

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Kit Morris

As an accountant, you know how important it is to keep your clients happy while managing your workload. An effective workflow in place can benefit both you and your accounting firm.

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Kit Morris

If you are reading this article, chances are your large accounting firm's current accounting practice management software presents limitations that frustrate you. Systems do not integrate? Is reporting too limited? It is best practice to review your practice management software continually. If you want to switch from your current solution, you probably want to know what available alternatives best suit your needs. 

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Kit Morris

What do recent announcements, handed down as part of the Federal Budget 2023-24, mean for your accounting practice and clients?  

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Kit Morris

Are you dealing with difficult accounting firm clients and wondering what to do next? Rest assured, it will happen to every professional at some stage in their career, and accountants are no exception. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to deal with difficult clients. By handling these situations professionally, accountants can improve their soft skills, build trust in their accountant-client relationships, and enhance their firm's reputation. 

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Kit Morris

Emerging technologies in accounting are transforming the traditional accounting sector into an exciting digital-ready industry.

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Kit Morris

Suppose you are an accounting professional dreaming of buying an accounting practice. You may wonder whether breaking free from the daily grind is the move you have been looking for in your career. Before jumping in headfirst, you should diligently research everything before deciding whether buying an accounting practice is right for you. 

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Kit Morris

If you are reading this article, then chances are you are a professional accountant, and if so, you are probably already aware that your need for continued learning and development never stops throughout your career. 

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