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Kit Morris

Digital transformation for accounting practices has become a necessity, not a choice. The digital workplace has accelerated over the last few years, and this has ensured that accounting firms in Australia and New Zealand need to consider digital adoption to meet the needs of a changing environment. 

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Kit Morris

After ChatGPT's launch revolutionised the technology world overnight in 2023, the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) shifted.

So, how do we apply AI in accounting? The role of AI in accounting firms includes both sophisticated and mundane tasks that will streamline operations for your accounting practice.  

Given the accounting industry's heavy reliance on numbers and data, it is time we challenge traditional ways of thinking. The industry can benefit greatly if we embrace the trends in AI tools.

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Kit Morris

Cybersecurity for accounting firms often comes under threat from cybercriminals for a variety of reasons. Not only do accounting firms hold a high volume of valuable personally identifiable information and financial data, but accounting practices with a more traditional organisational structure may be less likely to have proper data security defences against cyberattacks in place.

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Kit Morris

Are you the owner of an accounting practice in Australia or New Zealand grappling with challenges in recruiting, retaining and managing high-quality talent in-house? If it is proving difficult to hire an accountant in today's climate, then have you considered another resourcing option that is proving more common for accounting practices: accounting outsourcing?

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Kit Morris

Tax accountants have had to keep up with transformation in recent years, particularly in the areas of technology, policy changes and professional regulation.  

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Kit Morris

Are you a tax accountant aiming to create a more efficient tax time? You may not be aware that there are many ways you can prepare your tax practice, so that you can have a smoother, less stressful end to the financial year. 

At The Access Group, we have been creating trusted and proven tax software for accountants since 1988, and we are now trusted by more than 8,000 accounting practices across Australia and New Zealand. We supply smart, scalable and purpose-built tax software, adapting to the changing demands of growing tax accountants and accounting practices. 

In this article, we will apply all that knowledge to help you plan and prepare for tax time. After reading it, you should know exactly what you need to do to maximise your success and keep your clients happy. 

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Kit Morris

Do you need to benchmark and compare your accounting practice with best practices in Australian accounting firms, to better identify opportunities to improve your own practice?

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Kit Morris

With rapid changes affecting the industry, there is a greater emphasis on tax accountants to meet the needs of their clients. During tax return season, you'll spend less time on background work and more time helping your clients prepare their tax returns.

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Kit Morris

To ensure your accounting practice provides the best possible service to your clients, it's vital to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure their effectiveness.  

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Kit Morris

Data analytics in accounting is crucial. It can help give you clarity, drive efficiency, develop better accounting practice processes, and improve risk analysis. Chances are you already have a fair amount of valuable data on hand. But as every good practice owner or manager knows, having good data is one thing, but building an accounting data-driven practice and using all those insights to create value is another. 

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