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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Jen Grenside

A recent report revealed that 78% of restaurant operators are planning to use sales data to optimise their menus, which highlights the growing importance of business reports in making strategic decisions. Whatever your reason for diving into your EPoS data, analysing the numbers is an excellent way to evaluate your business.  

Access EPoS comes with a rich and mature reporting suite as a standard and allows you to access your business data across all functions 24/7 in real-time to help you manage your cash, stock, and resources effectively.   

In this article, we outline some of the functional reports you can generate with Access EPoS to optimise your business processes. 

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Jen Grenside

Running a busy kitchen can leave little time for the detailed menu analysis that can improve sales performance and profitability. Knowing exactly what items are the most popular with your customers, which are the most profitable and which are falling from favour can help you to create the best menus for your business.  

It’s something we see a lot here at Access Hospitality, our customers want to know how they can quicky gain visibility of performance of their menu items and how to use that data to create profitable menus.  

In this article, we’ll look at how hospitality operators are using software to perform menu analyses and how it’s benefiting their business with some top tips from our inventory and procurement management software specialists. 

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Hospitality Solutions Consultant

Every time food spoils in your fridge or too large a portion of a side dish is prepped, you're not just throwing away products – you're throwing away potential profit. 

The average restaurant sees a significant chunk of its revenue disappear due to food waste. In fact, the 2019 Reducing Commercial Food Waste in Ireland Report found that over 66% of food waste from the food services sector was avoidable with vegetables representing the highest percentage of wasted food, (11%) followed by bread (9%), meat (8%) and potatoes (7%). And this is where smart inventory management can make a massive difference. 

It's something we hear a lot at Access as a familiar challenge for many businesses in the hospitality industry. With the right tools and strategies, restaurants can streamline their inventory, gain control over waste, and unlock hidden profits, which is what we will focus on in this article. 

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Running a successful hospitality business requires strategic and informed decisions. If you're relying on time-consuming manual reports and spreadsheets to analyse your data, it can be hard to get the timely, actionable insights you need. Whether you already have an EPoS system in place, or just checking if implementing it within your pub, bar or restaurant will truly help, you're on the right track. Your EPoS can give you data-driven insights to unlock your business's full potential. But how do you use your EPoS data to make strategic business decisions?   

Here at Access, we often talk to customers who are still using admin-heavy processes and Excel spreadsheets to report on sales data. We not only want to help you digitise and streamline these processes to make your managers’ lives easier but are passionate about helping businesses use their sales data to help them understand their business performance in more detail, allowing you to use that data to generate actionable insights that help the business become more profitable.  

In this article, we take a closer look at EPoS reporting, what data you can collect, and how to use it in your business.   

To make the most of your EPoS data analysis, let's start by understanding exactly what kind of information it holds and why it matters.  

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Do you know the best-performing items on your menus right now? If you said no – that’s where menu engineering could help you.  

Here at Access, we hear about the challenges operators are facing when it comes to creating a robust sales mix that can withstand the fluctuations in the market when it comes to rising food and beverage costs and matching customer demand. The answer? It’s likely sitting in your sales data.  

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The dream of a bustling restaurant that fuels many aspiring restaurateurs usually consists of happy customers, delicious food, and a thriving business. Yet, focusing solely on the big picture can lead to overlooking essential components, such as a well-designed menu, efficient inventory systems, staff training, and a well-managed kitchen. 

Restaurant kitchens are notoriously demanding, and poor kitchen management can lead to discord among your teams resulting in high staff turnover. Since the industry is already plagued with staff shortages, operators must focus on keeping and hiring skilled kitchen managers to ensure the well-being of their staff and the success of their business. 

At Access, we've spent more than thirty years helping hospitality businesses improve their workflows and achieve their full potential and we understand that effective management is a core pillar of success. 

Kitchen management is a skill that can be learned and mastered, and in this article, we'll dive into the essential strategies to optimise your kitchen and achieve your business goals. 

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Jo Fontaine

Many restaurant operators focus their marketing attention on driving new customer footfall, but once you get those new customers, how do you turn them into loyal repeat visitors? In this article, we explore some of our top tips for engaging your existing customer base and increasing customer loyalty.

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Jo Fontaine

This blog concentrates on using our system from a processing, controlling, and management reporting perspective. So, if your a financial controller, or work in the accounts department, these tips are a must-read for you. 

Here we will cover 3 key tips that focus on improving your knowledge on Procure Wizard. 

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Jo Fontaine

Epos stands for electronic point of sale. EPoS is the combination of hardware and software that allows you to accept all types of payments. A common misconception is that EPoS is just a POS (Point of Sale) system with electronic components and hardware. However, an EPoS system is far more efficient and advanced than a POS system. EPoS systems operate mostly online and store information in the cloud, as we know from the ‘electronic’ contribution to the term, EPoS. 

Here we are going to discuss what an EPoS system and POS system are, as well as the differences between them, and why your business should use a modern EPoS system. We are also going to discuss the difference between a POS system and a cash register, which is a common mix-up. 

After reading this, you will be able to clearly distinguish between POS and EPoS systems and will know what features and functionalities are important when looking at modern EPoS systems. 

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Jo Fontaine

As with anything you purchase, if you want high-end high-quality goods or services, you need to know exactly what you are looking for. Looking at a price tag and choosing one isn’t going to guarantee good quality or value. The same principle applies to point-of-sale systems. You must know how you want the EPoS to perform, what you want it to do, and what results you want from purchasing it. 

EPoS softwareand systems can be so different nowadays, because of the constant innovation in the technology industry. Not so long ago a POS system was a standard cash register, now some of them are fully customisable, cloud-based, intuitive POS systems that help you drive sales. 

To choose the best value POS system for your business, you need to consider what features are most important to you. Also, it goes without saying you need to consider your budget for purchasing. 

This blog will help you identify what features are important when purchasing a new EPoS system. We will also show you what a good POS system should do, and what the benefits are of having an intuitive system. Use this guide to choose the right POS system for your business. 

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