Membership and subscriptions management software
Manage your memberships and subscriptions more efficiently, gain insight and drive revenue. Run multiple membership schemes and manage every type of member all within one membership management system.

Browse Access Gamma features:
Ticketing and Admissions | Retail ePOS | Catering ePOS | Booking and Events | Membership | CRM | Reporting | Support
Manage every type of membership scheme
Run multiple membership schemes such as ‘friends of’, Gift Aid memberships, corporate membership and manage different membership types including group, family and joint memberships.
Process monthly and annual subscriptions, and handle multiple currencies.
Produce membership vouchers, run loyalty discount schemes, create new introductory offers and offer gift membership options.

Easy sign-up and renewals
Customers can sign-up and manage membership over the phone, at self-serve kiosks, at your ePOS or online using our hosted booking system or web API.
Automated renewal notices, online renewals and integrated direct debit processing mean less time spent on administration.
Integrate with direct debit software to process direct debits, standing orders and more.
Produce photo membership cards with encoded magnetic strips and/or barcodes to monitor buying behaviour.

Flexible pricing means you only pay for what you need
Build better insight into member behaviour
Integrate with our membership CRM to track visits, spend and all interactions for 360-degree profiling.
See every interaction, interest, donation, event attendance and spend across ticketing, retail and catering.
Segment members by the level of engagement and profitability, personalise mail and email communications, and incentives.
Monitor campaign performance at a glance and drill-down for in-depth analysis to improve membership schemes and record communications.
Process donations and Gift Aid transactions including annual pass and one-off transactions.