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The Access Group has no commercial operations or significant customer presence in Russia or Belarus and is neither controlled nor has any significant investment from any Russian or Belarussian entity. In addition, none of our key suppliers are domiciled in Russia or Belarus; and, to the best of our knowledge, nor are they Russian or Belorussian owned or controlled entities.

We are monitoring the situation and will strive to ensure we stay up to date and in compliance with government sanctions. Our primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of our partners, employees, customers and civilians in affected countries. We are proud to have announced that the Access Group and The Access Foundation are making a donation of £70,000 to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and will match up to £100,000 of employee donations on our fundraising site.

Information Security

It is understandable that our clients are concerned about the situation in Ukraine and in order to provide assurances we would confirm as follows:-

Access as a Global Company does have minimal partner contractors working in the affected region and has undertaken a risk assessment to determine whether we need to make changes.

The individuals concerned are providing product development code services only and have no access to client systems or data and no direct access to our own network. They are operating through segregated VPN’s on “locked down” equipment, managed by us through various layers of security. Their engagement is being reviewed and monitored on a daily basis.

We will continue to track the latest developments, working closely with government agencies and security intelligence teams to ensure we are aware of any emerging threats. Our security teams continue to proactively manage our environment and will react as required if things progress further.

All our teams continue to understand their responsibilities and we have proactively reminded them of key processes in case of suspicious activities.

Access has robust business continuity plans as required for our ISO27001:2013 certification and our emphasis is, and always has been the security of the environments we manage.

We will not be able to respond to individual enquiries but further information relating to the security of our organisation and environments can be found on our security hub [registration required]


Last updated: 15/03/2022