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Core+ is a fully web-based, single database solution for Integrated Youth Support. Each of our Core+ solutions is part of the single Core+ database; we don’t plug in, we don’t bolt-on; we simply switch on the module(s) that you need.

Our products are purpose-built to meet the specific needs of Children’s Services Departments and Organisations. Where appropriate, our Core+ solutions are developed according to government specifications and designed in consultation with our customer base to provide practical and easy-to-use systems with many time-saving features.

We allow full access to the database, which empowers customers to write their reports using our chosen reporting tool, Crystal Reports. Users can customise the software throughout. Utility tools are also provided to allow customers to manage their data.

Our proactive approach to data quality is the ethos behind our error management and workflow systems, which promote accurate data recording for improved reporting.

Our Core+ solutions

  • Best in data sharing: Core+ promotes the best in data sharing and cross-service reporting, yet at the same time employs extensive role-based security to protect and safeguard young people’s data.
  • Flexibility is second to none: The ‘MyVision’ dynamic home page delivers critical information to the user in real-time and useful shortcuts and user tools. The unique screen designer allows services to customise their data screens, menus, and searches to remove screen clutter.
  • Unlimited reporting: Unlimited reporting is available throughout Core+. Reporting can be performed across multiple service disciplines using SAP Business Objects Crystal Reports as the primary reporting tool.
  • Easy user experience: Core+ is easy to navigate with intuitive input screens, wizards and workflow, ensuring the right data is inputted in the right place and format.
  • Time-saving: Saving time for inputting and updating data is a driving principle behind Core+. We follow the concept of “record once, use many times”, saving valuable time for practitioners.
  • Value for money: Our solutions include data management tools and flexible licensing, meaning the more solutions you switch on, the more significant the saving.
A young woman sitting down with an elderly woman

Derbyshire County Council uses Access Core+

Access Core+ has allowed Derbyshire County Council to unify its different systems for young adults altogether instead of relying on separate systems. This video explains in Chris Newton’s words, The Head of Digital and Data Services at Derbyshire County Council, the benefits of unifying their systems to streamline their services further, as well as the additional benefits our Core+ solution has provided them.

Find out more about our software to support youth services

Victim Module assists Youth Offending Services

Core+ | Victim Module assists Youth Offending Services in their restorative work with victims of crime.

Whilst part of our ‘single’ database solution, Core+ | Victim Support stores victims’ information separately from the offenders to comply with the Victims Code of Conduct requirements.

Two men sitting down together laughing whilst other people are watching them

Reoffending Toolkit

Our Reoffending Toolkit helps youth offending teams prevent young people from reoffending by helping them take the right action at the right time.  The Toolkit:

  • Analyses cohorts using real-time data to provide a live tracker, with no additional manual input.
  • Can assist with reducing frequency rates once young people have begun to re-offend by identifying trends
  • Instantly populates the YJB Live Tracker with real-time data eliminating the need for manual inputting, saving both time and money
  • Goes above and beyond the YJB Live tracker allowing users to identify specific areas of concern such as CSE, CCE (County Lines), Gang association, SEND and Domestic Violence.
A group of young people having a group discussion

Download our Youth Justice Brochure to learn how our software solution can help you

Intervention Cost Calculator

Local authorities can make more informed forecasting and budget decisions and compare prevention strategies. Populated with live data from our Youth Justice solution in real-time, the tool calculates intervention delivery costs instantly. The Intervention Cost Calculator:

  • Helps youth offending teams analyse current, previous, and future intervention delivery costs taking account of multiple events with each client and provides detailed breakdowns.
  • Is a strategic tool that makes forecasting and budget monitoring simple
  • Allows customers the ability to associate prices with all areas of intervention cost
  • Gives users the ability to analyse the cost of interventions for the current and previous years
  • Helps users accurately forecast future costs and assess the efficiency of existing spending around Interventions
  • Allows users to modify the tool to best suit their needs with custom grouping, sorting, and filtering
  • Will enable users to easily demonstrate cost breakdowns with a built-in graph package with direct printing and PDF creation options.

Additional Core+ modules

In addition to the main modules of the Core+ application service, there are several extensions designed to complement and integrate with the main suite; these include:

  • Tools and Services: Our tools and services help you operate our Core+ system efficiently, effectively and with access wherever needed. So you can focus on supporting children and young people.
  • CCIS & YOTS Dashboards: Youth offending teams can visualise critical performance and management information with the dashboard extension. Young people’s characteristics, interventions, risk, national indicators, and reoffending trend data can be displayed in a straightforward and easily digested format.
  • Scanning: Practitioners can record attendance using a hand-held scanner by scanning the young person’s unique reference number in barcode format from a membership card or a pre-printed membership list.

Core+ CCIS 

Core+ CCIS is a web-based case management solution designed to streamline the management of young people's information. It enables detailed case recording and facilitates bulk operations like importing, collating, examining, and exporting NCCIS returns. The software helps reduce time spent on administrative tasks, allowing more focus on impactful work with young people.

See the software so many organisations use to deliver the highest quality care