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CM / CM2000 - Delivering better care management to local authorities and providers

CM (previously CM2000) care management software supports the delivery of care with a range of easy-to-use, mix-and-match solutions including real-time care monitoring, mobile monitoring (CM mobile), scheduling, invoice & payroll / financial management, outcomes measurement, digital care management and business intelligence reporting.

Trusted by Local Authorities and Providers for over 20 years, Access CM automates processes, increases quality and delivers efficiencies. Extensively used by Council-delivered homecare services (reablement, extra care and ongoing support), CM software also supports Councils to gain visibility and improve contract management of care delivered by third-party Providers.

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Want to learn more about our care management software and how it can help your Local Authority?

Explore the CM suite of solutions

Discover our care management solutions including electronic call monitoring, data capture and analytics for integrated community health and social care.

Derbyshire County Council uses Access CM

Access CM has provided Derbyshire County Council with plenty of benefits including full scheduling of all their in-house activity in real-time through our mobile app. This video has the Digital and Partnership Lead at Derbyshire County Council, explaining the other benefits Derbyshire has experienced since using our CM solution.

What is MaxCare?

With increasing demand, tighter financial pressures and new legislation, even small changes to shift patterns, travel rules and pay allowances can make a big impact on your efficiency. CM’s MaxCare optimisation engine uses fully customisable business rules and a unique series of algorithms to generate an ‘optimised’ schedule of care.

The tool is well-suited to fast-moving services such as reablement and Community Health. It is also ideal for Care Providers who want to produce the most efficient rotas.

To illustrate this, we have produced a case study highlighting Derbyshire County Council’s use of MaxCare. Derbyshire needed a software solution to help deliver adult social care, child care services, and youth justice services. Problems with efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use were hindering this work, which is where partnership with The Access Group helped to overhaul their workflows.

Our care management software supports the delivery of care

Number of events logged via CM Mobile in the last 12 months

Number of planed visits in last 12 months

Number of 3rd party sytem imports processed in the last 12 months

Active carers

Active clients

Explore our Access CM solutions