Are you looking for HAS Technology?
We're still here, we've just found a new home for our products (PAMMS and CM/CM2000/CallConfirmLive!) with Access Health and Social Care.
We can help to signpost you to where you need to go.

See our software in action today
Explore our suite of solutions
Discover our care management solutions including electronic call monitoring, data capture and analytics for integrated community health and social care.

Market insight and Care analytics software
The Access PAMMS suite of solutions are proven to increase market intelligence/understanding, care quality and service sustainability in today’s fragile market. Over 50 Councils and CCGs already rely on PAMMS for evidence to help improve

Care monitoring
Care monitoring is vital to ensure that service users are receiving the right care to meet their needs.
By enabling you to view service performance in real-time, you can deliver quality care and improve efficiencies, as well as provide safety to your service users and care workers.

Scheduling and rostering
Care scheduling that allows Care Coordinators to quickly and easily roster staff while making best use of your capacity and ensuring any salaried Care Workers are fully utilised.

Outcomes-based care
Our inovative Outcomes Assessment Platform allows Councils to deliver a powerful combination of time/attendance data and progress towards outcomes.

Business Intelligence
Our business intelligence software, CMBI, allows you to capitalise on the value of your social care delivery data. CMBI empowers you with actionable intelligence to facilitate service improvements and manage by exception.

Financial Management
Speed up payments and manage by exception: With most state-funded home care delivered by third-party Providers, Councils need a quick and efficient way of managing the numerous invoices this generates.

Digital care management
An end-to-end solution to digitise care records and capture all interactions, forms, medication, feedback and issues bringing a wide range of efficiency and safeguarding benefits, whether you’re in the office or out in the community.