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Top 5 tips for your volunteer engagement strategy

We’re approaching that time of year when those new year’s resolutions lead to a surge in volunteer applications. Across the sector, volunteering departments will be sifting through all of these offers of help. But recruiting volunteers is just the start. Keeping them engaged can be more of a challenge. So here are five tips for a great volunteer engagement strategy.

4 minutes

Written by James Vjestica - Thought Leadership Expert.

What are the 5 tips for your volunteer engagement strategy

  1. Demonstrate the impact - If you asked a hundred volunteers why they volunteer, you’d get lots of different answers. Many would be the expected ones, from building a CV to making friends – although “You’re on my bus route” did make me smile. But surely “to make a difference” must be up there for most people. Whatever we do with our leisure time, we want it to be well-spent. Regularly showing volunteers how their activities have made a difference not only recognises the contribution they’re making but links what they’re doing closer to the organisational objectives. So don’t save your impact measurement stats and stories just for your Board or funders: regularly tell your volunteers too. 
  2. Transition and broaden support - When your head of shops or service manager is saying they “need more volunteers” it’s very tempting just to start recruiting based on a rough idea of what they’ll be doing and what the application process will be. But a longer-term view, with how the role can evolve, the options for development or transition from one role to another can really help with ongoing engagement. With a plan written down, managers and volunteers can have clearly defined goals and more of a structure to the volunteer journey. Volunteering isn’t a job and not everyone will be wanting to do more or take on extra responsibilities. But for those who do, it can be a great tool in your engagement strategy to incorporate how a role can develop when you’re designing the volunteer offer. 
  3. Share relatable content  - Along with the benefits they bring to organisations, there are also responsibilities and liabilities associated with volunteering. Policies and codes of conduct will usually apply to volunteers and staff alike. But volunteers aren’t staff and what is appropriate for employees may not be right for volunteers. Whether it’s a simple email, a training course or a policy to agree to, spend a little extra time thinking about your volunteer audience. “Worky” terms, like safeguarding or diversity, can be very off-putting if you’re unfamiliar with them. Making content, whatever it’s for, relatable and applicable to the volunteer experience is the best way to land any message. 
  4. Great volunteer management - Engagement is part of good management but the best engagement strategies in the world cannot overcome a poor volunteer management experience. Volunteers want to know what is being asked of them and have the tools and training to deliver. They also want support and direction from a manager who’s engaged with them and their volunteering. Choosing to invest time or money in training your volunteer managers will directly support your engagement strategy and improve the volunteering experience for all. Consider a volunteer management software that offers a comprehensive feature set to support volunteer managers at each stage of the volunteer journey. This can save precious admin hours and leave more time to focus on nurturing relationships amongst your teams.  
  5. Reward and recognition - You can’t talk about volunteer engagement without reward and recognition, but you don’t need some fancy volunteer awards ceremony in an expensive hotel to show your volunteers that they’re valuable. Simply telling a-day-in-the-life-of story of different volunteers in a newsletter is great reward and recognition and you’ll also be able to increase knowledge about a different part of the organisation each time as you focus on another role. 

Celebrating the “how” in volunteering equally with the “how much” is also a great tactic for gently implementing values and behavior work as well as making sure that different volunteers are included. A “Behind the Scenes Star” or “Innovative Fundraiser” is worth just as much as your top fundraiser or 20-year veteran.  

But the most important element of reward is Thank You. It’s that simple. Whether by their manager or the head of department, a regular and genuine expression of appreciation is, sadly, often overlooked in the busyness of life. Thank you events for Volunteers’ Week or Christmas are great and a call out of the blue from a senior manager can be a real boost, costing nothing. Managers usually are very appreciative of their volunteers – you might just have to remind them to say it from time-to-time. 

The volunteer journey starts here. Ease the role of management, strengthen volunteer relationships

James Vjestica Portrait

By James Vjestica

Thought Leadership Expert

Meet James Vjestica, our ‘Digital Content Manager’ for the Not For Profit division. James has spent over 5 years working with software providers who supply specialist solutions that enhance the processes of organisations within niche sectors. In addition to his technical experience, James has been affiliated with the Not For Profit sector at key stages of his career. This has included participating in a voluntary role at a local hospice prior to attending University, and upon graduating, accepting a role for a Social Enterprise in North Nottingham that supported members of the community to gain employment. These roles highlighted the importance that organisations within the Not For Profit sector play, which has since inspired him to raise money for charity on several occasions. At Access, James now draws on these experiences to consistently strategise content campaigns that will guide you through insightful journeys; clearly outlining pain points, how these obstacles can be tackled, and introducing viable solutions.