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Managing volunteers in sports

NGBs, coaching, officials, and sporting events.

Managing volunteers in sports

Features that support volunteers in sports


Automated triggers and features like integrated reference checks accelerate your recruitment process, making vetting applicants fast, inexpensive and easy.

Learn about recruitment

Document management

A central hub for resources. Instantly drop files, images & documents into Assemble and share with your team and volunteers. Create a space where everyone can find what they need quickly.


Seamlessly capture and report KPI’s and measure the ongoing impact your volunteers are having. Search and track performance and easily export reports in a clean, easy to read format.

The mobile app

Keep everyone connected

  • Communication: Communicate relevant news stories and enable volunteers to interact on-the-go with internal messaging.
  • Notify: Alert volunteers to recent updates on their events and opportunities. Let them discover locations, times and directions.
  • Engage: Stay in touch with volunteers with something that very rarely leaves their side. Volunteers can update contact information, skills/interests, personal details and more.

Available on iOS and Android