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Best software to support NHS volunteer recruitment

NHS volunteer recruitment undoubtedly plays a crucial role within the public sector. With the support of volunteers, NHS organisations can ensure that their processes run to the required standard, and most importantly, patients receive the high-quality care they deserve.

But what is the best piece of software to successfully recruit NHS volunteers? In this article, we provide an insight into using volunteer management software (VMS) to support your NHS volunteer recruitment processes, by covering:

  • Why you should consider sector-focused software
  • How volunteer management software can support your organisation
  • How Access Assemble has supported the sector
3 minutes

Written by James Vjestica - Thought Leadership Expert.

Why should you consider sector-focused software to support NHS volunteer recruitment?

Sector-focused software such as a volunteer management system enables you to focus on the key areas surrounding NHS volunteer recruitment.

Applying this digital approach allows you to create attractive role adverts that provide all of the key information a prospective volunteer is looking for. This can include details about the role, your organisation, potential shift patterns, location, and the benefits of the position.

Once a volunteer is ready to apply, they can then click on a link that redirects them to an online application form, where you can begin the process of safely recruiting and onboarding them in compliance with NHS guidelines. 

How can volunteer management software support NHS volunteer recruitment?

As we all know too well, time is a factor. This is especially the case when managing volunteer recruitment processes within the not for profit sector. With limited budgets and minimal staff numbers, operating with a skeleton team means that time is a luxury that you realistically may not be able to afford.

But with the support of sector-focused software such as a volunteer management system, the strong foundations can be built that allow you to work smarter, not harder.

Volunteer management software can therefore support you to achieve swift and safe recruitment. Our VMS, Access Assemble, can do this by offering the following functionality.

Designated recruitment page

Access Assemble provides you with a microsite that sits within your current website, offering:

  • A designated recruitment page to showcase your exciting volunteer roles
  • Unique branding by including your logo (dependent on which package you opt for)

Find out how to create an engaging volunteer opportunity

Code-free page building

Access Assemble is an out-the-box solution, which avoids the need for any technical know-how. Our simple approach means that:

  • Volunteer Coordinators are able to create engaging volunteer role adverts without relying on an IT specialist
  • The software consists of all the features required to enhance your recruitment processes
  • You can avoid additional customisation costs

Find out more about our recruitment feature

Transparent onboarding process

Access Assemble ensures that both the applicant and Volunteer Coordinator have access to real-time updates and actions. This ensures that each stage of the recruitment process is completed by:

  • Answering all relevant questions
  • Being able to access all safeguarding information
  • Sending automated emails when onboarding tasks require action
  • Volunteer Coordinators having full view of onboarding and can provide additional support where required

Discover more about why you should future-proof your volunteer recruitment

Built-in safeguarding checks

Access Assemble effectively automates both reference and vetting requests to ensure all key safeguarding tasks are completed swiftly. Once these are complete, safeguarding compliance is recorded within the system, ensuring that you comply with NHS guidelines.

In the market for a VMS? Gain sign-off with a strong business case!

How Access Assemble has supported NHS volunteer recruitment processes

NHS organisations can experience a number of challenges. The most common arguably being that manual processes such as updating spreadsheets can be time consuming and therefore divert the Volunteer Coordinator’s attention away from other important tasks.

Access Assemble has made a significant impact on the sector by successfully supporting NHS volunteer recruitment processes. Below, we outline the volunteer recruitment challenges experienced by two of our customers, and the results after investing in Access Assemble.

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust


Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust previously used manual recruitment process relying on postal and email applications which created inefficiencies; being described as ‘time consuming’ and ‘cumbersome’.


Since adopting Access Assemble, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust’s recruitment processes became faster, more efficient, and easier to track. This has led to an impressive increase in applications, while onboarding times have significantly reduced.

"I would absolutely recommend Access Assemble, our applications have increased, and onboarding is much quicker and more efficient. It also gives you a great overview of your volunteering programme.”

Stephanie Robey, Volunteering and Employability Manager  
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

Read the full customer story

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust


Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust’s volunteer recruitment relied heavily on manual processes which included tasks such as updating spreadsheets, ID verification, and reference checks. Although they did use a previous database, this proved to be difficult to navigate, while lacking direct links to advertise their volunteer roles.


Since adopting Access Assemble, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust have experienced a much quicker recruitment turnaround, with a seamless application process and better role matching. The effectiveness of this has been such that they are on track to double their volunteer numbers.

"Access Assemble has made everything so much easier. Recruitment is quicker, reporting is seamless, and we can now focus on growing and supporting our amazing volunteer team."

Lisa Turner, Voluntary and Community Development Co-ordinator
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust

Read the full customer story 

Provide your NHS volunteer recruitment with a new lease of life

Volunteer management software provides a niche solution to your NHS volunteer recruitment processes. From attracting prospective volunteers through to safely guiding them through the onboarding process, a VMS such as Access Assemble is a proven solution to meet the requirements of NHS organisations.

Are you potentially interested in taking a digital approach with your NHS volunteer recruitment processes? Our experts are available to guide you in the right direction and answer any questions that you may have.

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Considering a VMS to support your NHS volunteer recruitment processes?

James Vjestica Portrait

By James Vjestica

Thought Leadership Expert

Meet James Vjestica, our ‘Digital Content Manager’ for the Not For Profit division. James has spent over 5 years working with software providers who supply specialist solutions that enhance the processes of organisations within niche sectors. In addition to his technical experience, James has been affiliated with the Not For Profit sector at key stages of his career. This has included participating in a voluntary role at a local hospice prior to attending University, and upon graduating, accepting a role for a Social Enterprise in North Nottingham that supported members of the community to gain employment. These roles highlighted the importance that organisations within the Not For Profit sector play, which has since inspired him to raise money for charity on several occasions. At Access, James now draws on these experiences to consistently strategise content campaigns that will guide you through insightful journeys; clearly outlining pain points, how these obstacles can be tackled, and introducing viable solutions.