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Explore our volunteer management software packages

Comprehensive and affordable packages tailored to your needs

Assemble is known as a trusted choice in volunteer management software, relied upon by thousands of volunteer teams to expertly support the volunteer journey, from recruitment to management, engagement, and more.

Assemble pricing packages

Our powerful volunteer management software adapts to organisations of all sizes and intricacies. To simplify your decision-making process, we offer three pricing packages, each tailored to different levels of functionality and complexity. Your choice will depend on factors like your number of volunteers and technical requirement, and rest assured, our experienced team will work closely with you, offering valuable insights to help you select the ideal package that best suits your specific needs.


Up to 250 volunteers & 3 managers

£75per month Monthly subscription*
Features include:
  • Volunteer recruitment module
  • Streamlined application process
  • Recruitment automation process
  • Centralised data management
  • Volunteer engagement tools
  • Notifications
  • Track and report volunteer impact
  • Reward recognition
  • Targeted news and announcements
  • Applicant and volunteer portal
  • Document hub
  • Bulk data import
  • Mobile app** (1)

Up to 2,000 volunteers & 200 managers

POA Billed annually
Includes all the features of Starter package, plus:
  • Document hub
  • Mobile app**
  • Single sign on (SSO)
  • Market leading integrations (Azure, CRM, multiple LMS, Zendesk)
  • API access
  • Advanced user permissions
  • Events integrated SMS engagement
  • Publish tasks
  • External communication
  • Submit expenses
  • Customisable recruitment module**
  • Custom application forms
  • Create and manage rotas
  • Customisable email templates
  • Multiple time-zones
  • Fully customisable and flexible team structure
  • Advanced volunteer management tools

2,000+ volunteers & 200+ managers

POA Billed annually
Includes all features of Starter and Standard packages, plus:
  • Document hub
  • Designated Technical Support Engineer
  • Designated Customer Success Manager
  • Dedicated Enterprise onboarding and migration assistance
  • Single sign on (SSO)
  • Submit expenses
  • Customisable email templates
  • Multiple time-zones

Assemble security measures

Ensuring security is our top priority. As holders of ISO27001, regardless of the package you choose, robust data security measures are implemented across all our offerings. Our system fully complies with data protection regulations, including GDPR.

*Min 3 month term

**Branding options available

Compare features

Up to 250 volunteers & 3 managers
£75per month
Up to 2,000 volunteers & 200 managers
2,000+ volunteers & 200+ managers
Role profiles
Role profiles are at the heart of users on Assemble. They determine how users are recruited, what functionalities they have access to and what information is stored against them
Recruitment site
Mini-site that hosts all available volunteer opportunities which will sit inside your existing website
Application management
Your team can see - at a glance - where an applicant is, at any stage in the recruitment process. A snapshot of latest activities lets you see everything you need to know
Partner organisation recruitment
Partner organisations allow for the creation of opportunities which will link to an external website or email as opposed to using the Assemble recruitment system
Keeping your volunteers up to date and engaged with your organisation
Internal messaging
Secure internal messaging with full audit capabilities
Spark discussion with built-in, private, integrated Discourse forum, allowing volunteers and managers to engage one another
External links
Ability to link to external websites/resources for volunteers
One-off opportunities
Publicise and recruit for one-off volunteering opportunities for events with multiple locations and timeslots
Whether you're planning a training session, festival or fun run - track and manage any event from day one to deadline
Powerful and easy to use scheduling tool giving full control to volunteers and local teams on their resourcing needs
With volunteer availability listed, you can quickly identify who's available to lend a helping hand
Powerful task management allows organisations to publish tasks for volunteers to complete
Ad hoc activities
Easily record the activities undertaken by your volunteers with the ability to record further insights with category specific outcomes
Volunteer management
Manager dashboard
All the information managers need for their day-to-day management of volunteers in one single dashboard
Contact details
See full contact details of volunteers including telephone, address and emergency contacts
Role history
Understand what roles your volunteers are performing within your organisation including past and upcoming roles
Training record
See which training modules your volunteers have completed and which ones are outstanding
Vetting record
Easily record, track and report on vetting/clearance levels of volunteers
Log an important interaction you've had with a volunteer. Capture any call, meeting or email so information and context you need to nurture relationships - is right where you need it
Recognition recording
Send your appreciation to volunteers for their hard work. Highlight and record achievements with customised virtual trophies, badges and certificates - on the fly or automatically
Skills & interest
Whether it's a language, qualification or certification - collect and harness the additional skills of your volunteers. With all this info listed and available through search, it comes in handy when you're to looking to find someone in particular
Diversity recording
Collect optional diversity information during the application process. We'll feed this through to Assemble for reporting purposes but won't display any of this against an identifiable individual
Parental consent
Request and record parental consents for minor applicants and volunteers
SAR & anonymisation
Ensure your organisation is fully compliant with GDPR
Accessibility requirements
Accessible across any device or any modern browser (WCAG 2.0 Level AA)
Custom fields
Use custom fields to track the information most important to your organisation. Stored directly against a volunteer profile, you can choose whether this info can be hidden, visible or edited
Customisable motivations
Record, report and understand what motivates your volunteers with your own list of customisable list
Ad hoc notes
Note down any notes against your volunteers
Submit expenses
Simple yet powerful expenses allows volunteers to easily submit expenses to their managers using the mobile app with any receipts attached as a photo
Allow volunteers to engage each other by seeking others within your organisation
Customisable email templates
Save time and jump start your reply with custom templates for invitations, acceptance, rejections and everything in between
Public teams pages
Team custom fields
Understand what your volunteers are doing and the impact they are driving across your organisation with our easy to use and intuitive analytics
Two-factor authentication
This optional but highly recommended security feature adds an extra layer of protection to user accounts. Two-factor authentication requires users to input a six-digit security code to sign in or connect a new device
Ensure that your organisation is complying with UK's extensive GDPR requirement
Bulk import/export
Assemble's powerful import and export functionality gives you full ability to control your own data
Custom domain
For a better volunteer journey, make Assemble part of your domain and therefore, your brand
Onboarding codes
Reduce your onboarding time by allowing existing volunteers to enter their details by using a pre-existing code which will automatically assign them to the correct team and manager.
Open API access
Assemble is developed API-first, which means you have full access to all functionality of Assemble via our API
Access Charity CRM
Azure API management
Oauth 2.0
Use webhooks to to send real-time data from Assemble other applications
Single sign on (SSO)
Allow your users to easily login to Assemble via SSO
LMS - Moodle
LMS - Talent
LMS - Cornerstone
Mobile app
Our native mobile app allows organisations to better engage their volunteers
Have your brand shine through in every interaction. Apply your organisation’s unique identity and volunteers will identify with your logo, your colours, your organisation. We will customise the look and feel, adhering to any brand guidelines, ensuring consistency across all devices
Customer success
Customer success plans
Standard Success Plan
Standard Success Plan
Premier Success Plan

Frequently asked questions, answered

Does Assemble integrate with other applications and systems?

Yes, the Assemble APIs not only extend your products capabilities but also lets you feed Assemble with valuable content from another source like a CRM system.

Will my data be private and safe?

Yes, we combine enterprise-class security features with comprehensive audits of our application, systems, and networks to ensure volunteer and organisation data is always protected. Take a look at the security measures we take to protect your organisation and volunteers.

What technical requirements are there for using Assemble?

The only requirement we have is that you use the latest supported version of your browser on your device.

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