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Access Assemble

An intuitive solution for organisations with more complex needs

Our Assemble Standard package is tailored to meet the requirements of organisations with more than 250 volunteers or requiring functionality not included in our Starter package. It includes a comprehensive range of features and functionality to allow you to recruit, manage, engage and measure the impact of your volunteer program.

Why use Assemble to manage your volunteer journey?

Assemble’s secure volunteer management software provides end-to-end support for the volunteer journey from recruitment to retention in one central solution. Built with flexibility in mind, Assemble is easy to configure - whether you need simple or complex workflows, custom fields, or API integrations- everything is possible.

Our process-driven features and intuitive workflows help improve consistency, engagement and accountability for volunteer teams, along with reporting features to track data and measure impact.

Streamline and scale volunteer recruitment

Start scaling your team with comprehensive functionality to support your volunteer recruitment campaigns. Create a customised volunteer experience unique to your organisation with branded opportunity adverts that live on your recruitment micro-site. Guide prospective volunteers seamlessly through an automated application process and reduce drop-offs during recruitment by keeping volunteers in the loop and engaged with tailored communications.

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Centralise your volunteering

Get the full picture, in one secure and compliant home. Organisations can toggle between useful features and functionality from volunteer records and touchpoints, to recruitment, scheduling, communications and reports. Volunteers are empowered to self-serve and discover new opportunities, relevant news, training, documents and more – all available when they log in to Assemble.

Centralise Your Volunteering
Manage and record volunteer activities

Save time and improve efficiencies with dedicated features that support your volunteer programme and help measure its success. Save hours with dedicated Rota, Events and Tasks features that offer intuitive scheduling capabilities, task management, event planning, communications and reporting functionality for full visibility across your volunteer activities.

Manage And Record Volunteer Activities
Secure and GDPR compliant data

Protecting your data is a priority and we take a robust and comprehensive approach to our security practices. We currently comply with a range of requirements, policies and controls, to ensure we have rigorous measures in place to protect users’ data and specific functionality to support GDPR.

Measure volunteer success

Report on the success of your volunteering with enhanced analytics and measure the things that matter most to your organisation. Record anything from volunteer contributions to tasks completed, event attendees, diversity information or other important metrics. Share powerful insights that support your organisation’s volunteer programmes and support strategic decisions.

Measure Volunteer Success
Nurture volunteer relationships

Assemble keeps volunteers engaged and helps build meaningful and lasting relationships. Share relevant news and impact articles, social media content, new opportunities, and invite volunteers to sign up for shifts, take tasks or complete training. Understand the skills and interests of volunteers, show your appreciation as you recognise milestones or acknowledge achievements to highlight success.

Nuture Volunteer Relationships
Efficient, productive and collaborative

Support and enhance every step of the volunteer journey with Assemble. Save time by making use of automated workflows and intuitive features that bring process and consistency to your organisation. Whatever your size or setup, Assemble provides visibility and flexibility, along with the option to for volunteers to self-serve, so your teams can collaborate on a national, regional or local level.

Efficient, Productive And Collaborative

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