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Access Charity Websites

Access Charity Websites: Best content management system for nonprofits

With Access Charity Websites you have complete control of your content and fundraising appeals with our easy content management system (CMS).

No need to rely on third parties to make changes to your website

We give you full control over your website content and appeals through a flexible content management system (CMS) that allows you to make changes quickly and easily in real time. No need to wait for your agency to upload that essential new campaign or impact story. You have complete access to create new content pages, appeals, events and even additions to your online shop, as well as easily updating text and images.

There is also the ability for your fundraisers to create their own fundraising pages on your website and submit them for approval. Your team can then put them live at the touch of a button, meaning you don’t lose valuable traffic to third-party fundraising sites.

Introducing ‘The Manager’ CMS

The Manager is where you create and edit content, run reports, and update the settings of your website. When you login, the homepage of The Manager includes an overview dashboard which allows you to quickly create and review content. The Manager gives you everything you need at your fingertips, meaning you have full control over updates and changes to your charity website content. To give you an idea of just how robust The Manager is, here is a breakdown of all the actions you will have:


Create and manage appeals to raise money for your organisation.


Create and manage events (e.g. courses, fundraising events, concerts) and sell tickets.


Create and manage news stories.


Create and manage blogs.


Create and manage general content pages.


Create pages for frequently asked questions (or to display any content where you want to use an expandable block format).


Create a shop to sell products through your website.


Manage your website members and contacts.


Download reports based on data from your website.


Use the Social Media Monitor, Form Builder, and Media Centre tools.


Manage all the settings for your website.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor

The WYSIWYG editor is the main tool for creating and editing content on your site. You'll see this in the various content modules on the Access Charity Websites platform. It works in much the same way as the text editor in email tools like Gmail and programs like Microsoft Word, allowing you to create paragraphs, bullet lists, bold text, links and more.

Customer showcase

Our website solution has successfully developed the online presence of our charity and Not For Profit customers. Browse some live examples on our customer showcase.
Browse showcase

Enjoy complete control of your content and fundraising appeals

Access Workspace for Charities

With everything in one place, our cloud-based feature-rich charity software includes Websites, Charity CRM and Ad Grant management solutions, and allows each solution to operate on its own, or as a connected part of the full suite.

Allowing you to engage your existing supporters more effectively, attract new donors to your cause and generate more predictable income streams.