Access Charity CRM enables The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund work faster and respond quicker and more efficiently to their beneficiaries
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) supports doctors and medical students who are facing hardship, this could be a result of ill health, bereavement, domestic abuse or many other reasons. They can provide financial support, psychotherapeutic support via DocHeatlh, which is run in partnership with the BMA, and health and wellbeing support.

We are now able to work faster as information is better laid out. Our casework team is able to see more information in the grants record, which has an ‘at a glance’ summary. This has reduced the need for the levels of complex cross-module reporting that needed to be done previously. All of this saves our caseworkers time and means that are able to respond quicker and more effectively to our beneficiaries.
The Challenge
Since the arrival of COVID-19, continuity was vital for RMBF so they needed to find a solution to meet user needs and to continue to support them. The usual solutions did not work, due to the pandemic and the corresponding lockdown.
Everyday operations were suddenly under threat. Emily Hopkins, Head of Fundraising and Communications at RMBF, says that staff moving from the office to home were suddenly unable to use their charity CRM system.
Upgrading to Access Charity CRM enabled RMBF to quickly pivot working practices and continue to support its users
With support from the Access Group, RMBF had happily used Access Charity CRM for a number of years, but the previous version was only accessible through desktop computers or via a VPN.
RMBF needed a solution to meet user needs and ensure continuity. They spoke to Access, who helped them upgrade to the web-based version of Access Charity CRM, which allowed them to quickly pivot working practices and continue to support users.
RMBF uses Access Charity CRM not only as a central database for fundraising and volunteering, but also to manage work with beneficiaries. A seamless transition to the web-based version was not simply desirable, but necessary. Access ensured that the transition was seamless and ensured continuity for service users.
"The web-based version of Access Charity CRM allows our teams to access the system from the laptops without the need to use a VPN. This has helped to save time and to make the teams more efficient," Emily said.
"Access Charity CRM allows us to operate a one person, one record system so we are able to manage all aspects of a person’s data in one place whether they are a donor, beneficiary, volunteer or a combination giving us a better picture of the person when we are speaking to them and enabling us to provide a better more tailored customer journey."
Access Charity CRM helped RMBF manage their GDPR compliance much easier
"Access Charity CRM provides a better means of recording consent and opt-ins for our communications and makes managing our GDPR compliance in relation to this much easier. The new system has also made it easier for us to create targeted audiences which helps with our fundraising campaigns and with our stewardship of donors," Emily explained.
Read more about our donor management software.
Access Charity CRM helped RMBF operate more effectively
Emily says: "We are now able to work faster as information is better laid out. Our casework team is now able to see more information in the grants record, which has an ‘at a glance’ summary. This has reduced the need for the levels of complex cross-module reporting that needed to be done previously. All of this saves our caseworkers time and means that are able to respond quicker and more effectively to our beneficiaries."
Access made the upgrading process very easy
RMBF was very happy with the member of the Access team who was leading the upgrade process.
"They have been very good at identifying what we needed from the system, how to match this with existing functionality and what they could create that would give us all the elements that we need."