In February 2020, the firm invested in Access FactoryMaster MRP just before the manufacturing sector came under immense new pressure due to Covid-19. Here, Mark explains more about his experience with the software, his reason for partnering with Access during this transitional period and overseeing a major implementation project, despite the pandemic’s restrictions.
“I’ve used FactoryMaster for over 15 years. At my previous company I started as a scheduler and custodian of the MRP system, managing the software and building good relationships with the Access FactoryMaster team. Over time we designed many modifications to the system and added features such as an improved control of non-conforming products module, works order creation via sales orders and the Purchase Order (PO) authorisation facility.
“After making the move to Mollart Cox, it was clear that this knowledge would prove beneficial. As a subcontractor, the system that was in place had suited their prior needs. However, these needs were changing. We were moving towards offering finished product, strengthening our local manufacturing facilities and diversifying into new markets such as oil and gas, automotive, horticultural and the marine sector.
“One of my first tasks in this new role was to audit the current processes and systems, learning if they were strong and suitable enough to support the diversification. If not, I had to find out what would need to be implemented to move into different industries. It became clear that Mollart Cox needed to invest in FactoryMaster.”
“Understanding where the company needed to be and what functionality was required to take it there was key. The existing MRP was written purely for subcontracting purposes, so functions like stock control and traceability were not suitable, as it wasn’t necessary to have a sophisticated system in place to capture granular data. For diversification however, it’s essential.
“Before FactoryMaster, it was more difficult to trace sold material directly back to the PO. Our old system would have numerous deliveries against one cast number, so matching them to particular jobs was challenging. I ran a number of independent tests when we had non-conformance sent through from customers in order to truly understand the existing system’s capabilities. It was soon clear it wasn’t suitable for these more demanding sectors.
“Many of the employees at Mollart Cox are long-standing and had been using the previous system for years so they were comfortable with operating the software. FactoryMaster is much more robust – if information isn’t inputted correctly in the first instance, then it cannot simply be edited, which could affect the whole workflow, which can be frustrating at first. However, the data it produces is far more robust and reliable. Ensuring training and messaging across the company enabled a smooth integration and adoption of the new system.”
“Traceability was very important. I have past experience of working in many of the sectors that Mollart Cox was looking to enter and from my perspective, we couldn’t do that without ramping up that aspect. These industries need full traceability, from product dispatch to procurement.
“The industries that Mollart Cox were looking to enter also needed excellent stock control. For subcontractor work this isn’t imperative, so it was something else that the prior system lacked. To move forward into these new verticals successfully, we needed to be able to ensure we were manufacturing in line with customer demand, as well as efficiently replenishing stock.
“Finally, visibility and integration of shop floor data was imperative. Mollart Cox operates with a small number of employees. Previously they were frequently moving in between the office and shop floor to check on the progress of their customer’s order, which is an inefficient use of their time. FactoryMaster provided all of these essential functions, leading to the purchase in February 2020.”
Results and Delivery
“We went live in early September 2020, around seven months after the initial purchase. This was delayed due to the changing restrictions of Covid-19. All training was delivered remotely.
“Though it’s been in use a relatively short amount of time, we’re already seeing tangible results. Our reporting is much more robust and accurate, giving us more nuanced insights into specifics such as cost to scrap, on time delivery performance and analysis of root cause for non-conformance. Now we have clear visibility on which jobs and parts are the most profitable, whereas before it was difficult to extract this information. We’re able to rely on its quick analysis of data, which is paramount.
“We’ve also added production planning and scheduling tool, Access Orchestrate and will be using Workspace, Access’ powerful web-based apps and analytics platform, soon.
“Orchestrate will streamline our production planning, providing a clear view of production capacity and workflows. There was no scheduling at Mollart Cox previously. In January 2021, Orchestrate went live in two of our buildings and soon we’re rolling it out across our whole facility.
“Since using it, we’ve been able to form better customer relationships as we can provide an accurate and solid response to any queries. The ‘what if’ analysis is key for diversification too, as we’re able to accurately understand how each new order will affect capacity and the business as a whole.
“Workspace is a new platform which I hadn’t used in my previous role, but after a demonstration I knew it would be an essential addition to our system. It hasn’t been implemented yet, but the team looks forward to the organisational benefits it will bring alongside those of FactoryMaster and Orchestrate.”
Find out more about Access Factory Master MRP