Youth services software
Our Youth Support software is designed to assist Youth Support Teams in a wide variety of services. By developing a solution that streamlines processes, speeds up reporting and simplifies the recording of information, Youth Support Teams have more time at their disposal to help make a difference to young people lives.
With fully integrated modules into a single Core+ application, you receive the benefits of a shared Young Person record which provides a fuller picture of any given case, helps reduce risks, saves time, and frees you up to provide all the support that’s required.

Each young person at the centre of care
Our youth software solutions are designed to make it easy for Local Authorities to share vital information, making it possible to build and develop better futures for young people.
We operate in line with latest statutory requirements and promote the best in data sharing, cross service reporting and extensive role-based security for the protection and safeguarding of young people’s information.
Why use our youth service software?
Our Modules for youth justice, case load information, and youth support give you practical and easy to use tools, with many time saving features.
Proactive approach, flexible to your requirements and responsive to legislative change.
Flexibility of core modules depending on your needs.
Improved user experience that saves time and costs.
Best in data quality and sharing to help earlier interventions and support.
Secure and compliant for safeguarding and legislative requirements.
Unlimited sharing across systems, providers, and authorities.
Management Information (MI) and reporting.
Modules of our software for youth services

Youth support software
Our youth support modules streamline processes, speed up reporting and simplify the recording of information

Youth justice software
Our innovative tools help youth offending teams and local authorities make their communities safer.

Client Caseload Information Systems (CCIS)
Our software for Client Caseload Information Systems (CCIS) helps you store all case management information on a young person in one place and enables you to provide more targeted support.

Download our Youth Justice Brochure to learn how our software solution can help you
Client Caseload Information Systems (CCIS)
Our software for Client Caseload Information Systems (CCIS) helps you store all case management information on a young person in one place and enables you to provide more targeted support. CCIS is an innovative software tool to streamline traditional paperwork processes and workflows. It integrates with our other Youth solutions, providing a connected approach to always empower you with up-to-date case information.
CCIS is fully compliant with the DfE’s (Department for Education) NCCIS Management Information requirement and consists of a suite of data management tools to ensure your data is up-to-date and error free. It includes all of the statutory forms required for NCCIS, including full chronological histories, as well as many time saving features to help support young people.
Why use our client caseload software?
- Seamlessly compile data required for the monthly submission to the DfE via our unique Management Information Program at the click of a button.
- Simplified, flexible reporting and management information help save time and money and meet legislative requirements.
- Encourages data sharing for joined-up support when paired with other Access Youth Services modules Access.
- A flexible option for data management, with an inbuilt screen designer, editable lookup tables and configuration settings.
- Extensive role-based security and integral role-based ‘Error Management System’.
- The ‘Workflow Management’ system promotes data quality.
- Unique management information program and data management tools simplify time-consuming processes.
- Tracking screen, allowing data to be inputted to multiple datasets from one place.
- Encompasses a NEET (Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training) & Not Known calculator tool.

Explore our Core+ resources

Core+ Youth Justice
Learn how the Core+ Youth Justice solution helps youth offending teams and local authorities make their communities safer by identifying trends, determining effective prevention strategies and coordonating intervention activity.

Core+ CCIS Solution
Learn how the Core+ CCIS (Client Caseload Information System) Solution can help your NEET and participation team record all case management information on an individual, in one place.

Core+ Families
Learn how we can help your family care team improve the lives of individuals or families needing support. We understand just how important it is that care providers can quickly and easily access up-to-date case details.

Core+ Work Experience
Learn how we're helping schools and work experience teams place students in safe, inspirational work experience environments. Everything that used to take time, including recording details and reporting, has been completely streamlined.

Core+ Youth Activity
Learn how we can help your youth services team improve the lives of children and young people that need encouragement and guidance. The Core+ Youth Activity module has been designed to help your youth services team record and manage group activities.