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Cyber Security Hub
For law firms

Understand how cyber security affects law firms and how you can take action to stay ahead of the competition, comply with the latest in regulations and protect the data and wellbeing of your clients.

Watch Webinars On Demand

Budgeting and building a strong business case for Cybersecurity Investment

Join our 40-minute webinar, where Marcus Dacombe will lead a discussion with Harry Fallows and Diego Baldini, unveiling strategies to reinforce your law firm's cybersecurity.

Harry Fallows
Cyber Regulations and Threats for Law Firms

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of the daily cyber threats faced by law professionals, the potential impact of cyberattacks, and essential strategies for safeguarding your firm.

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SRA and PII Cyber Risk Update: What You Need To Know

This webinar will cover security risks including phishing, insecure home networks, fraud, and ransomware attacks. Harry will examine the impact of remote work on the legal sector and present strategies to mitigate these risks.

Enhancing Security Measures for Law Firms: Top 5 Expert Tips

With cyber-crime targeting law firms on the rise, this webinar is a crucial opportunity to learn about safeguarding your firm against cyber threats.

Cyber Security Law Firms Trends
Cyber security for law firms

With law firms being targeted for the large amounts of sensitive data they hold, how can they protect themselves from the growing risks and what strategies can be implemented to keep their data safe?

Business Management Enhanced Security
Top 5 security tips for SME's

Watch our 30 min webinar where our cloud hosting expert Harry Fallows demonstrates the top 5 security tips for SME's.

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Navigating data security & compliance in Microsoft Teams Webinar

Our experts discuss strategies for handling rapid data expansion, ensuring secure access to files, and meeting the 7-year data retention requirement of the SRA.

Microsoft 365 Device and Data Security
The state of email security with Mimecast

With 80% of companies indicating increased email usage and 75% witnessing an increase in email threats, the demand for sophisticated security tools has never been more pronounced.

Microsoft 365 End of Exchange support
Embrace proactive security with Microsoft’s Zero Trust framework

Join this 30 minute session with Microsoft's Chief Security Advisor Sarah Armstrong-Smith and discover how a Zero Trust approach protects your network and data. 

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The 3 steps law firms should take to stay secure using Microsoft 365

Join this 45 minute webinar, and discover the practical steps law firms must take to stay secure using Microsoft 365. Chris Morris, Head of Pre-sales at Oosha, has been guiding businesses through this framework that anyone can follow.

Cyber Resilience For Law Firms (1)
Cyber Resilience for Law Firms

Cybercrime is a massive issue for all law firms. An attack could cost a law firm thousands or, in a worst case scenario as discussed in the above video, millions of pounds.

Conveyancing Landscape Insight Paper
National conveyancing week

In this webinar, Chris Morris and Harry Fallows will talk you through some of the ways you can protect your firm against criminals looking to take advantage of you.


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What is SIEM and SOC in Cyber Security?

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Operation Centres (SOC) are vital components of a comprehensive cyber security strategy for law firms. Learn what you need to know here now.

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What are the Modern IT and Cyber Security Challenges Law Firms Face?

With the widespread adoption of remote work and cloud-based services, the attack surface for potential threats has expanded, leaving law firms exposed to ever more sophisticated cyber threats. Read this article to  understand the cyber security challenges faced by law firms.

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SRA Cyber Security Requirements for Law Firms and Solicitors

One significant risk to consider is undoubtedly cybercrime and data security. Falling victim to a cyber attack can have a devastating impact on your business, so a full risk assessment should be conducted to discover where in your business the biggest risk lies.

Telehealth Services Digital Applications
Why is Email Security so Important?

In this blog, we will explore the four reasons why email security is so critical and what steps can be taken to protect yourself and your business.

How to maintain productivity whilst improving cyber security?

Businesses are groaning under the weight of countless passwords, personal data hoops and image recognition tests, just to gain access to their own devices and systems. If that wasn't enough, despite these hurdles, cybercrime keeps poking its ugly head. But hold on - there's a plot twist.

How can CQS accredited law firms build a business continuity plan?

We explore the importance of business continuity planning and resilience for UK conveyancers, and provide practical guidance on how to develop and implement a plan that meets the requirements of the CQS and the Law Society.

Do you know how to protect your business from cyber attacks?

In this blog we cover 4 areas you should run through to make sure you’ve got your business’ cyber resilience covered.

Cyber Blog Header
3 Different kinds of cyber attack – and how to protect against them
  • What is phishing, and how to prevent phishing attacks
  • What is malware, and how to prevent malware attacks
  • What is whaling, and how to prevent whaling attack
Achieving Employee Safety in a Remote Working World

When “the office” is the workplace, your Health & Safety policy will usually cover all of your workforce. But when the workplace isn’t the same space for everyone, compliance and risk management becomes a whole lot harder.

Making employees your strongest defence against cyber-attacks

88% of all UK companies have suffered reported cyber-attacks or data breaches within the last 12 months. The average cost is £2.9m each and 33% of UK businesses have lost customers as a result of one.

Home Security: Managing Cyber-Risk For Long-Term Remote Working

After almost a year of remote working, Brian Rogers FCMI, Regulatory Director at Access Legal, explains the rationale behind increased spending on cyber-security among law firms.

Cyber Blog Phone 2
Cybercrime targeting law firms - your staff are your first line of defence!

Brian Rogers, Regulatory Director at the Access Group, discusses the various regulatory obligations firms have under the SRA Codes of Conduct, Data Protection Act, and Money Laundering Regulations.

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Prepare your people, protect your data, preserve your law firm reputation

Cyber criminals employ a range of different tactics and typically find it relatively easy to bypass security controls to target employees. The approach is simple, the potential impact can be catastrophic.

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Cyber-security: Why are some law firms not taking the cyber threat seriously?

Three-quarters (30) of the firms the SRA visited reported having been the victims of a cyberattack. Worse still, for 23 of those firms that were directly targeted, over £4m of clients’ money was stolen and had to be repaid by the firms and/or their insurers.


Ultimate Guide To Cyber Security For Law Firms
Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security for Law Firms

As a law firm, your client data can be exploited for identity theft, financial loss, or compromising freedom, making you powerful yet vulnerable. Taking proactive steps is crucial for protection.

Videos for Law firms and Access Managed Services

Enabling Zero Trust
Microsoft Security Solutions

Key statistics and conditional access

Verify Id
Microsoft Cyber Security

Understand the foundations of zero trust security

Id Sec Score
Accessing your identity secure score

Learn how to view your organisation's Microsoft Identity Secure Score

Dark Web Monitoring
Dark Web Monitoring by the Access Managed Services

It's easy to get exploited on the dark web

Detecting A Phishing
It's easy to get tricked by a phishing email

It's often the case that you won't realise you're the victim until it's too late


Ms365 Factsheet
Access Microsoft 365 Device Security

With many users now accessing business data using different devices in multiple locations, managing user identities, data and devices can be a challenge.

Managed Patching Factsheet
Managed Patching Factsheet

Keep up to date with the latest security and core operating system patches from Microsoft.

Cloud Backup For Ms365 Factsheet
Backup & Disaster Recovery

Access combines data protection, analytics, compliance reporting, ransomware detection, and DR automation for a single site, cloud, or unlimited remote sites.

S.Murray&Co say goodbye to backup tapes forever - by upgrading to Access Managed Services secure, cost-effective backup platform

"Going forward it is critical that we continue to protect our business, clients, and staff, as well as remain compliant for our insurance by meeting our cyber essentials accreditation. The data back up solution from Access allows us to do this."

read more
S Murray Case Study

Customer quotes

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