Savings club
Savings Club helps employees take control of their finances and save regularly through their net pay.
Benefits as flexible as your business
The current financial climate, along with low interest rates on savings accounts, mean that saving for the future or for those big life expenses can be tricky.
With Savings Club, employees save a set amount into the scheme each pay day through their net pay, making it simple and easy to save.
At the end of the scheme, employees can use their savings on an eGift card to use both online or in-store.
This can be used on all manner of things including home improvements, wedding essentials, furnishing your home and much more.
Through the eGift card, employees get a 3% discount on their final purchase. So, for example, something that would cost £1,000 for the employee would instead cost £970 through Savings Club.
Savings Club helps encourage positive financial habits, saves employees money on big expenses and generally helps to improve the financial wellbeing of your workforce.
Employee and employer benefits
Financial wellbeing benefits
Employee financial wellbeing is the latest benefits hot topic as increasing numbers of employers look for ways to help their employees keep on top of their finances.
Providing quality financial products is one way of helping, but the crucial bit is financial education, so your employees have the relevant knowledge and can make informed choices.

MotorSave is a unique employee benefit scheme designed to help employees save up to 10% on car maintenance.

Christmas club
Help employees take control and save on their Christmas spending.

Financial education
Providing employees with valuable source information to help them understand how to manage their finances.