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Improving retention of teachers in schools: How can HR software reduce turnover?

Retention of teachers in schools is a major problem in the education sector, with many professionals choosing to leave the field altogether. As education professionals ourselves, we see the challenges first hand when it comes to attracting, hiring and retaining high-quality teaching talent. So how can schools reduce turnover and improve morale?

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Written by Rich Newsome - Thought Leadership Expert

One simple yet impactful step schools and academies can take is to implement an education-focused HR software package, complete with features to support teachers in their roles. HR software can be used to reduce the burden of administrative tasks, improve career development to give better job satisfaction, deliver training to build knowledge and so much more.  

Learn how HR in schools can use software help transform teachers’ workdays, making them more likely to remain in their roles

How much of a problem is retention of teachers in schools and what factors affect it? 

Retention of teachers in schools is plunging, with the Education Policy Institute reporting that teacher retention rates are at the lowest levels seen since 2010 when data was first published.  

In 2023, only 59% of teachers remained in the profession a decade after qualification, down from 65% 10 years earlier. This is upping the pressure on schools, with teacher shortages, skills gaps and recruitment concerns clouding the future of the education sector.  

Why are teachers quitting? In a survey of 1,788 teachers, 52% of respondents said their workload was unmanageable. 22% planned to leave teaching within two years and of those, 65% said workload was the key motivation.  

Other factors included pay, accountability, paperwork, and concerns about government and public trust in teachers. Backing this up is a Department for Education (DfE) survey, which concluded that “workload remains the most important factor influencing teachers’ decisions to leave the profession and most suggested solutions to addressing retention were linked to workload in some way.” 

How can HR software be used to improve retention of teachers in schools? 

Individual schools can take action to help buck the trend and retain their teachers. When properly implemented and used to its full potential, HR software can be transformative for teachers, reducing workload by cutting out admin so teaching can be prioritised instead. These are some of the key ways HR software can be used to improve retention of teachers in schools.

Analysing and recording teachers’ needs 

Feedback is essential so that leadership can shape school policies and operations that actually make a difference to teachers. According to leading education author Mandy Coalter, it’s important to provide counselling and wellbeing support services, and to consult with and listen to teachers to find out what matters to them.  

HR software can help coordinate the collection, analysis, use and storage of data, ensuring teachers get to have their say about what is meaningful to them at work.

Providing a leading onboarding experience 

Effective onboarding has been directly linked to retention of teachers in schools. According to one report, 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for at least three years after a great onboarding experience.  

While the education environment has nuances that don’t exist in the private sector, a great onboarding and induction experience will certainly make a good first impression.  

HR software can be used to manage many parts of the onboarding experience digitally, immersing teachers in the culture before they even begin their employment as well as taking care of essential admin in a proactive, organised way.

Providing training and learning

Ongoing training is a necessity, not only to keep teachers up to date with the curriculum but also to provide opportunities for professional growth. HR software can deliver learning programmes to engage teachers at a time and a place to suit them, be it at their desks or remotely, leading to improve retention of teachers in schools.  

Not only does this keep schools compliant, but it also improves the people experience.

Supporting staff development and career progression 

Training and learning should go beyond the basics and support ongoing development opportunities for teachers. According to an independent review of teachers’ professional development, 74% of leaders considered teacher development to be important, yet 87% of classroom teachers reported workload pressures were a barrier to participating and engaging in training and learning.  

It’s clear from the review that teachers want to undertake professional development and invest in their careers.  

Of the surveyed professionals, 41% cited motivating and challenging themselves as the main reason for seeking professional development. 38% cited their main reason as taking ownership of their professional journeys, while 32% wanted to feel invested in and committed to their careers.  

HR software can give structure to the performance management process by enabling goal setting, feedback and more. It simultaneously automates and reduces administrative tasks, giving teachers the time and means to pursue tangible career development opportunities, improving retention of teachers in schools.

Promoting teacher wellbeing 

With busy schedules and increasing pressures in the workplace, staff working in education experience higher levels of depression and anxiety than those reported in the general population. Of more than 3,000 surveyed education professionals, 75% of staff reported that they are stressed and 78% experienced mental health symptoms due to their work.  

HR software can lighten the load for busy teachers, taking away some of the manual administrative tasks and helping to deliver curriculum content.  

Giving teachers time back in their calendars is a positive first step to take, in addition to proactively providing wellbeing and mental health support and resources.

Simplifying communication

Teachers are passionate about their subjects and helping their pupils progress – this is why many of them enter the profession. But teachers are becoming increasingly weighed down by tasks such as parent communication, which can take up a disproportionate amount of time, impacting the retention of teachers in schools. 

HR platforms can provide a secure and sophisticated system to book parents evening slots as well as allowing parents and guardians to make payments and access essential information, without burdening teachers.

Data-driven decision making

HR software can be used to store and analyse data pertaining to the workforce as well as to pupils. This empowers management and teachers to take action based on facts and data; teachers can identify pupils who may need extra support at a glance, while management can see real-time people analytics.  

Actionable insights help to build a thriving, more motivated workforce, reducing the retention of teachers in schools.

Reducing administrative burdens 

All in all, the cumulative benefits of HR software are reduced teacher workload and improved data analysis, which promotes mental health, enables impactful decision making and allows time for personal and professional development.  

The importance of these factors has been highlighted by teachers themselves, so focusing in on them is a positive step towards achieving better retention of teachers in schools.

How can HR software help schools manage turnover? 

Schools have many opportunities to improve retention of teachers in schools but some degree of turnover is inevitable. HR departments can help schools plan ahead and remain flexible to mitigate the risks associated with staff turnover, which include increased costs for supply teachers and recruitment, teacher shortages, knowledge gaps and the need for additional training resources.

Improve recruitment to hire better candidates faster 

Recruitment is always going to be needed and if teacher turnover is higher, efficiency is even more important. HR software can improve the recruitment lifecycle from beginning to end, giving schools the means to: 

  • Design branded careers microsites to attract and manage candidates 
  • Create and publish job vacancies 
  • Produce bespoke application forms 
  • Shortlist candidates and send automated interview invitations, offer letters and rejection letters 
  • Maintain complete visibility of all ongoing recruitment activity 

Plan ahead to manage attrition 

Attrition is a natural process that reduces the workforce over time. Logistically, the difference between attrition and turnover is that attrition can often be accounted for ahead of time. Teachers approaching retirement age, those who are flight risks and consistent low performers can be flagged and monitored in the system. Attrition can then be left to happen naturally, or new talent can be recruited swiftly with prior planning to ensure gaps are not left in the workforce.

Identify and improve high-risk areas

Improved analytics and reporting can identify areas where the risk of negative outcomes for students and teachers is higher. This might be based on feedback and teacher sentiment, previous patterns of turnover, staff shortages, workload and many other contributing factors depending on the school. In the short term, data like this is valuable to formulate a contingency plan, bringing in new teachers as needed and ensuring basic staffing levels are maintained. Longer term, the data can be used to drive fundamental change that will improve teacher retention – knowing pain points and risk areas is incredibly valuable.

Learn more about HR software and how it can improve retention of teachers in schools

Access Education software is designed by educators, for educators. We know what schools and teachers need and our software packages are designed to reduce workloads, promote wellbeing and keep quality staff happy and thriving in their roles.  

Find out more about HR software and how it can boost teacher retention. Connect with a software specialist, view pricing options or request a demo of our solutions. 

HR solutions designed specifically for education

Rich Newsome Portrait

By Rich Newsome

Thought Leadership Expert

Meet Rich Newsome, a thought leadership expert with a passion for education that stems from his background as a teacher. Committed to shedding light on the most significant issues in education, Rich goes above and beyond to provide schools with the guidance and support they need without the burden of extensive research.

Drawing from his firsthand experience, he brings the voices of the education sector to life, allowing those within schools to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and explore best practices.

As our in-house Content Manager, Rich is dedicated to creating a platform where the collective wisdom of educators can flourish, fostering a community that thrives on shared knowledge and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of education.