New office jargon could be a sign that hybrid workers feel disconnected
A recent national survey by leading research agency Perspectus Global*, commissioned by The Access Group, has revealed startling insights into employee communication and job satisfaction in the increasingly popular hybrid workplace environment.

According to the research, 91% of those polled agree that hybrid working has changed how we talk and communicate with our colleagues in the workplace. Out of the 1,000 workers surveyed, 69% of respondents felt the impact of the pandemic and subsequent trend towards hybrid working had increased the amount of specialist language and terminology being used in the workplace.
We take a closer look at the new jargon emerging in a post-pandemic world and its impact on the workforce. We also ask: How can technology help bridge the gap and improve employee experience and communication in a hybrid working environment?
Annoying phrases reveal feelings of disconnect in the hybrid workplace
Phrases like “touch base” and “keep me in the loop” have been recognised as some of the most annoying to come out of the era of home and hybrid working, according to the new research, and are perhaps an indication that remote and hybrid workers are experiencing anxiety around effective communication with colleagues.
As more employees have been working from home or away from the office since March 2020, the terms that have irritated them the most show a feeling of disconnect among employees, even though we are still “seeing” colleagues every day, albeit online.
The complete list of annoying office phrases highlighted in the survey:
1. Touch base (35%)
2. Keep me in the loop (31%
3. Ping an email over (29%)
4. Get the ball rolling (24%)
5. You’re on mute (23%)
6. On the same page (22%)
7. Moving the goalposts (19%)
8. Blue sky thinking (18%)
9. Face-to-face (18%)
10. Let’s take this offline (17%)

Our language is shaped by our new work environment
Claire Scott, Chief People Officer at The Access Group, said many of these phrases reflect how most employees are still working remotely from their colleagues, with a high number of meetings continuing to take place online.
She said: “It is interesting how the top three most annoying phrases can be linked to people feeling disconnected from their colleagues and wanting to know more about what people are working on.
“The phrases we are hearing used a lot more in the last two years show that an increase in remote and hybrid working can make it difficult for workers to communicate, and shows a desire for people feeling the need to know what work is being done by others.”

Is the new workplace jargon here to stay?
The new wave of workplace phrases is more than a little annoying, but perhaps a small price to pay for staying ‘in the loop’.
Veronika Koller, a professor of discourse studies at Lancaster University, said overused buzzwords and phrases in the workplace are nothing new, but they have changed because “the processes we go through at work have changed”.
She said: “The processes are now online and hybrid, so everything that used to be communicated face-to-face is now reduced and there is a fear of missing out in the workplace. People now want to be informed, or want someone to get back to them, and worry that if they are not face-to-face, they miss out on conversations.
“The phrases highlighted by the survey are about information flow and what you are missing, and therefore link to a lack of those informal channels of communication that have slipped away in the workplace or become significantly reduced.
“You don’t bump into colleagues in the office or grab a coffee or lunch together as much anymore, so you miss out on the small talk and the relationship building with colleagues, but also the bits of information you would pick up for your work, so you are sending more emails about it.”
What impacts ongoing communication issues in a hybrid workplace?
The survey revealed that over half of the workers polled (54%) felt face-to-face communication between workers and colleagues would continue to decline over the next five years.
Communication issues affect employers and staff alike. From an employer’s perspective, effective communication is key to a happy and productive workforce. From a worker’s perspective, feeling connected and part of a team is important for individual productivity, feeling valued, career progression and overall wellbeing.
Longer-term issues in communication can have a potential knock-on effect on career progression and training - some remote workers may feel they could be overlooked in promotions and training opportunities, for example. So how can employers address communication barriers and ensure an equal opportunities workplace?

How technology can help a hybrid workforce feel more connected
Aiming to strike the right balance in hybrid working has employers posing a brand-new HR question - how do I ensure my workforce feels connected at work? At Access, we see many organisations opt to invest in tools and technology such as people management software, which is explicitly designed to support workforces and ensure teams and individuals can connect.
Some choose to take their training online with digital learning solutions such as eLearning courses and Gamified Learning Apps which means workers can learn and progress at their own pace and are supported throughout their training.
At Access our digital learning solutions support performance and development while ensuring industry compliance, learning platforms integrate with Zoom or Teams and schedule and manage learning events, so there is no reason for employees to be suffering from FOMO at work!
For those of us asking how do I stop FOMO in the workplace?’ or “Why do I always feel left out at work?’ the answer according to Professor Koller is simple…
“You have to make more of an effort in online communication as there are fewer opportunities for communication now. Emails have to be sent, meetings have to be pre-arranged and you are getting more chasing emails, whereas before you could look after their well-being more easily in person, or just walk over to someone in the office to chase something up.”

Using technology to improve online communication for the foreseeable
A recent report by The Access Group, 'Achieving everyday wins in your people communications', highlighted how different words can have a positive or negative effect on the well-being of your employees, and how the way organisations speak to their employees can affect business and their productivity.
It also showed that while technology is now being used more than ever by businesses, it should be used effectively to get the most out of your workforce evolving and changing.
If your business is ready to start thinking about advanced business software and HR solutions to transform your workforce and improve employee communication, get in touch with us to discuss your needs.