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Social Prescribing Self-Referral – How does it work?

Social prescribing self referrals are being increasingly used as social prescribing continues to grow year on year. Social prescribing is no longer just used and recognised in primary care. Now it is beginning to be well known, understood, and used  in other sectors too. Some examples of other popular areas include  social prescribing in housing and education 

With social prescribing expanding into different sectors, not one social prescribing journey is the same. Everyone will have different reasons for referral and how those referrals are sent and managed can differ too. One of the newest and simplistic ways for a social prescribing referral to take place is by an individual self-referring themselves. 

10 minutes

Written by Claire Wardle.

Updated 05/09/2024

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing we want to make managing social prescribing referrals easier to save Social Prescribing Link Workers time, so they can spend more time helping individuals rather than on admin. 

In this article we will review what a social prescribing self-referral is, its benefits and why they are important, as well as reviewing what a social prescribing self-referral journey may look like and how they can be improved by acknowledging what disadvantages there could be and how to overcome them.  

After reading this article you should have a much better idea of what self-referrals are and how best you might want to incorporate them to be a part of your social prescribing journeys.  

What is a social prescribing referral? 

two women discussing social prescribing referral

Arguably, a social prescribing referral is the start of all social prescribing journeys. Whether someone refers themselves, or they get referred by a GP, Nurse, Housing Support Officer, or a teacher, the referral is typically the first step.  

A social prescribing referral ultimately allows a range of professionals to refer people to a range of local non-clinical services. The referrals recognise that health can be determined by a range of wider social determinants of health whether they are social, economic, or environmental.  

The social prescribing referral will then be picked up by a Social Prescribing Link Worker where they will work with the individual holistically to improve their quality of life and refer them to services and interventions that matter to them.

What is a social prescribing self-referral? 

Social prescribing self-referrals can differ from generic ones. Self-referrals allow one or even two steps to be skipped within a social prescribing journey. Here individuals can get in touch with Link Workers straight away or find a social prescribing service that best meets their needs through a directory of services. 

Social prescribing self-referrals therefore offer a way individuals can proactively find the help they need to improve their physical and mental health for a better quality of life.  

How do social prescribing self-referrals work?

Many services will offer self-referral. Often self-referrals will take place on an online platform to allow individuals to fill in their details including their reasons for referral. The referral will then be sent to a digital social prescribing platform, where a link worker will pick up the case and start working with the individual to co-produce their journey.  

Alternatively, an individual can fill in details on an online platform and search through a directory of services to find the service that will best suit their needs. This information would still be sent to an online social prescribing platform so their journey and wellbeing scores can be monitored. This allows individuals to be even more proactive in managing their own health and wellbeing.  

Through self-referrals we skip the need to see a GP or another professional who would make the referral to a Link Worker. Additionally it can also skip an additional step of working with a Link Worker to start their social prescribing journey as using a directory of services allows individuals to see first-hand what is available to them and what will best suit their needs.   

Self-referrals allow individuals to seek more non-clinical ways to improve their mental health and wellbeing, to overcome the health inequalities and wider social determinants they may be suffering with.  

How do social prescribing self-referrals work with Access Elemental Social Prescribing? 

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing, we understand that all social prescribing journeys are different. However with every journey we ensure each individual goes through the same steps to get the best outcomes.  

The video below shows Lucy, a university student, suffering from loneliness, isolation, and financial concerns. Our video explains how through self-referring herself, and working closely with a Social Prescribing Link Worker, Lucy was able to get more connected with social groups at university and how from that she no longer wanted to drop-out.  

Our video explains the 7 steps we follow when we receive a self-referral: 

1. Referral  

The referral is made and sent to the social prescribing platform. 

2. Assessment Arranged  

Link Workers will arrange to meet the individual. 

3. Baseline Metrics  

At the first meeting the Link Worker will take wellbeing scores and explain to the individual what they mean. 

4. Social Prescription  

Here both the individual and the Link Worker will co-produce their social prescription and send referrals to the community providers. 

5. Further Visits 

Here Link Workers will get in touch with the individual and retake wellbeing scores to see the development in their journey. At this point additional support can also be provided if it is needed. 

6. Health risk reduced  

This is where the individual starts to see the difference and the impact social prescribing is making on them.  

7. Outcomes  

At the end of journey, individuals will end up being connected and engaged with their community once more. 

Social Prescribing Self-Referrals – The Pros and Cons 

When introducing a self-referral service to your social prescribing service it’s important to be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages that can occur.  

The table below summarises some of the key advantages and disadvantages you should be aware of.  



  • Reduced workloads – GPs can save time referring people, reducing pressure on GP practices  
  • Shorter waiting times – with less people going to see their GP first for non-clinical issues and self-referring themselves to social prescribing waiting times to see both Social Prescribing Link Workers and GPs will be reduced  
  • Individuals can find more appropriate services sooner – Support will structured around what matters to them  
  • Individuals will receive more dedicated time – Social prescribing self-referrals allows individuals to receive longer and more structured times with Link Workers instead of having to cram everything into a 10 minute GP appointment 
  • Reduced GP attendance – through individuals referring themselves straight to link workers the number of GP appointments for non-clinical issues will be reduced which in turn can generate major cost savings across primary care
  • Enhances accessibility so individuals receive more tailored support
  • Delivers better person-centred care and improves wellbeing
  • Reduces dependency across primary care to empower individuals to manage their own health and wellbeing more effectively
  • Clinical Interventions – Through individuals self-referring there might be the risk of individuals not receiving the clinical interventions they may need in addition to social prescribing. It might be that some cases need to explore both to get the best outcomes. 
  • Missed Link Worker time – through self-referring through a directory of services there is a risk individuals will miss out on receiving the support from link workers they should be receiving and their social prescribing journey might not be as successful as it could be.  


Overall self-referrals in social prescribing can be hugely successful. What is important to remember is that every social prescribing journey and every self-referral will be different. For self-referral services to be successful therefore it is important for every social prescribing service to measure and record outcomes the same way for every referral that comes through. It is essential that even if an individual is being more self-serving through using a directory, social prescribing services should ensure that Link Workers still check in and see if any more support is needed.  

Through being aware of the potential disadvantages of self-referrals services you can prepare better for the support your Link Workers will deliver to mitigate any downsides and continuously improve outcomes across the community and reduce pressures on primary care professionals and services.

Unlock the future of social prescribing

Who are social prescribing self-referrals best for? 

Social prescribing self-referrals can work well for most individuals. What is important for self-referrals to be successful is for individuals to know and understand what social prescribing is. Without individuals understanding what it is and what they can get out of it the number of self-referrals will be significantly less.  

In general however, individuals that have a good digital literacy will find the self-referral process a lot easier than those that don’t. In a matter of a few clicks a referral can be sent through the system. However for individuals who have limited experience with technology this could be a lot more challenging.  

In order for self-referrals to be the most beneficial for all, having alternative methods for individuals to make self-referrals is also advised. Some social prescribing services have found self-referrals being taken over the phone equally successful. Here individuals can call up social prescribing services and their self-referral form can be filled in over the phone.  

By offering this as an alternative method self-referrals can work for majority of individuals as they would answer questions over the phone like they would if they were booking a doctors appointment. 

How can Access Elemental Social Prescribing help streamline self-referrals better? 

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing our social prescribing software helps streamline all types of referrals including self-referrals.  

We understand that the enabling the best user experience is crucial to keep individuals engaged and motivated within their social prescribing journey. We want to make sure managing referrals is easy and that information can be found all in one place, to save Link Workers, GPs, and end-users themselves time.  

More and more of our customers have started their own self-referral social prescribing services through working with us and we have seen some amazing benefits.  

Lorn and Oban Healthy Options, have been thrilled with how we have helped them set up their self-referral programme THRIVE. THRIVE is a programme they have set up consisting of a number of activities and social-events accessed via self-referrals. Through the programme individuals were able to meet people in similar situations to them to belong to a community of like-minded people. 

There are a variety of ways patients can join the THRIVE service and 20% of the referrals can from themselves on their own. Journal mHealth has explained that through Healthy Options working with us at Access Elemental to produce THRIVE it has been a game changer for social prescribing in Scotland, especially in rural areas where access to GP resources are limited. The successes of Thrive were massively accredited and were highlighted in the Digifest Conference 2022. 

Summarising Social Prescribing self-referrals 

This article has summarized what both a social prescribing referral is and what a social prescribing self-referral is, how self-referrals work in social prescribing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of social prescribing self-referrals. 

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing we work collaboratively with all of our customers to help them get the best social prescribing outcomes in their local area. Our bespoke social prescribing software allows us to adapt our platform to your local community’s needs so everyone can experience the best social prescribing journey possible.  

For information on how best to implement social prescribing including self-referral services download our social prescribing guide today.  

Contact us and let’s get making accessing social prescribing even easier than ever before.  

Learn more about how Access Elemental Social Prescribing software can support you. 

Claire Wardle's Photography - Writer on Health and Social Care

By Claire Wardle

Writer on Health and Social Care

Claire Wardle is a Writer of Health and Social Care for the Access Group’s HSC team. With a Linguistics degree and a strong background in digital content creation, Claire’s expertise in SEO allows engaging, informative and easy-to read content to be produced. Claire’s versatile approach to digital content marketing allows all questions surrounding health and local government to be answered concisely with all the up-to-date information required.