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Social prescribing software

Enhancing social prescribing journeys for the better

A social prescribing software supporting health and social care professionals, community development workers, and other stakeholders across various sectors cater their services better to address your community's social and non-clinical needs.

Help address the wider social determinants of health across your community while improving the ways you measure the impact of your social prescribing service to get the best Return on Investment possible.

🏆 Winner of the National Association Link Worker Award for Partnership of the Year

Find out more about social prescribing

Join over 1,000 Social Prescribing Hubs powered by Access Elemental Social Prescribing

Digitalise your social prescribing programme and bridge the gap between different stakeholders to establish a stronger multi disciplinary team that delivers what matters to the individual.

Save up to 2 hours per day by having better ways to manage your social prescribing referrals to get better visibility across every social prescribing journey.

Manage your caseloads with ease and confidence through bespoke reporting making it easier for you to measure the effectiveness of social prescribing and secure future funding.

Why use our social prescribing software?

To help improve the lives of individuals, families, and their carers, social prescribing software will:  

  • aid multi-sector partnership working, helping you and the people in your community make the best decisions possible 
  • help you build confidence that your social prescribing network is connected within the communities you serve 
  • provide you with the capability to design, implement, measure and report on effective models and approaches to social prescribing  
  • integrate the stakeholders in your health and wellbeing community, such as GPs, link Workers, VCSE organisations, housing professionals, further and higher education institutions and employment support agencies 
  • refer people into community-based programmes, services, and interventions, and assess the positive impact of these activities 
  • establish, scale and measure the effectiveness of social prescribing and health management activities for each individual
A black nurse showing something to an elderly lady on the tablet

Social Prescribing Software - return on investment (ROI)

Find out what the ROI is from using social prescribing software


Reduction in A&E attendance

A study published in the British Medical Journal found that social prescribing was associated with a 24% reduction in A&E attendance in the UK


Invested saves £2.30

A report by the British Red Cross found that social prescribing lead to cost savings for the healthcare system, with every £1 invested in social prescribing resulting in an average savings of £2.30 in reduced GP visits and hospital admissions.


Unscheduled care attendance reduction

Our customers experienced a 50% reduction in unscheduled care attendance


GP appointments reduction

Action Together experienced 65% GP appointments reduction in an year


Cost savings

If PCN social prescribing reduces GP attendance by 40%

Benefits of social prescribing infographic

Warm Wales

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Tandridge District Council

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Lorn and Oban Healthy Options

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Benefits of social prescribing software for

Explore Access Elemental Social Prescribing

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Social prescribing FAQs

What is social prescribing?

Social prescribing is an approach to healthcare growing movement that connects people with a range of non-clinical programmes, services, and events in their local community. 

The schemes involved in social prescribing can include: walking groups, mental health counselling, debt management advice, employability skills, volunteering, family fitness, healthy cooking programmes, mindfulness sessions, and the ‘green prescription’ of gardening and food growing.

How does social prescribing work?

Our social prescribing software enables you to create bespoke social prescribing programmes suited to the needs of your community and to facilitate more people to access and engage in social prescribing services. 

Find out more about what is social prescribing

How to measure the impact of social prescribing

One method that will benefit most social prescribers is incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data when measuring the impact of social prescribing.

Forming local partnerships is one of the best ways to do this as it will provide you access with robust reporting systems to get all the required data you need from clinical systems.

Read more about the best method in measuring social prescribing impacts

Spreadsheets vs digital social prescribing platform: which is the best choice for me?

Spreadsheets will not enable your social prescribing programme to reach a larger number of people and generate more referrals.

A digital social prescribing platform should make it easier for people to access and be referred to your programme. 

How can Social Prescribing improve Mental Health?

In order to re-shape mental health services, social prescribing has been identified as a means of self-management, connecting individuals into non-medical sources of support to improve their health and wellbeing, such as debt, housing and employment advice as well as exercise programmes and green space. 


Enlarged Benefits of social prescribing infographic