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HSC Health

Electronic patient record (EPR) system

Our leading Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system is used throughout secondary health care services, operating within mental health, child health and community care settings, to manage administrative and clinical processes.

The system interoperates easily with other social care and health care systems, and we can tailor the system to your organisation’s specific needs.

Our EPR system can be used:

Electronic Patient Records Software - return on investment (ROI)

Find out what was the ROI some of our customers experienced since using our EPR system's modules Rio Mobilise and Rio Virtual Assistant.


Extra visits per nurse

Some of our customers experienced 165 extra visits per nurse, per year using Rio Mobilise.

35 %

Cost reduction in printing costs

Some of our customers experienced a 35% cost reduction in printing costs using Rio Mobilise.

15 %

Reduction of staff visits

Some of our customers experienced a 15% reduction of staff visits to base using Rio Mobilise.

75 %

Initial appointment time saved

Some of our customers experienced a 75% reduction on initial appointment time saved since using Rio Virtual Assistant.

We work alongside other Healthcare companies to integrate their solutions with Access Rio EPR

Check out our partners page for more information.

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Download our EPR System Brochure to learn how our software solution can help you

See how our customers use the service

A female doctor showing something on a tablet to a male doctor
Enabling teams at Birmingham Community NHS Foundation Trust to record data on the move

Rio Mobilise is helping nurses make more efficient use of their time as information can be recorded while in the community and synced back to Rio EPR.

A lady smiling whilst a nurse has a hands on her shoulder
How Somerset NHS Foundation Trust have saved 24 hours of staff time per week

Rio Virtual Assistant means Somerset NHS Foundation Trust can manage their appointments online, reducing the backlog in their appointment teams.

A black woman and a white male consulting a unwell elderly man who is laying in a hospital bed
Reducing workload and improving wellbeing at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

Using Rio Mobilise means staff have the information they need while out in the community and has transformed the way they deliver care.

Benefits of an EPR system

EPR empowers community, mental and child health providers to improve their outcomes, by providing a holistic picture of each person. The system supports the vision to hold one integrated, electronic health record (EHR) for each person, to make it possible to deliver the highest quality and most efficient healthcare service.

  • Centralised electronic health records: EPR holds detailed information about a person’s health including medication, inpatient appointments, test and x-ray results and their medical history, which is quick and simple to access when required.  
  • Full integration with other systems and software: Significantly enhance care quality, clinical safety, and a patient’s experience with full integration to your existing processes and systems. Care administration is efficient, with reduced operational costs and improved outcomes. 
  • Access via apps, modules, portals, and mobile: Flexible ways to connect secondary care, GP, and social care systems enables practitioners at every stage of the care-giving process to see details of a person’s previous treatments without delay. With more access to information from healthcare, social care, and public sector systems all in one place, you can see the bigger picture and make decisions from a holistic viewpoint. 

  • Mobile data updates: EPR helps you to transform the way in which your teams provide healthcare, by enabling practitioners to update patient care records wherever they are. Our mobile applications provide real-time patient information and alerts at appropriate times, enabling faster, safer decision-making at the point of care. 
  • Powerful reporting: EPR also provides best practice assessments, workflows, and care pathways to free up your time from administrative tasks and focus on the individual’s care. 
  • Individual access: The person receiving services can manage their own healthcare better with access to their own information. It is also easy to share this information with other providers within social and primary care, further enhancing care for the individual and really making a difference to their life. 
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See our EPR software so many organisations use to deliver the highest quality care.

Rio Cloud for private healthcare

Did you know you dont have to be an nhs trust to use rio epr, if you need to make clincal decisions etc etc we have riocloud for you...

we work with pathfinder, everyturn, bramley health too

NCRS – the National Care Record Service

NHS England (NHSE) has introduced a new National Care Record Service (NCRS) application. The NCRS portal replaces the Summary Care Record application (SCRa), which healthcare professionals use to view clinical and demographic information.

The NCRS still allows clinicians access to things such as the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), National Record Locator (NRL), and the Summary Care Record, but it also expands into areas of child protection, overseas visitors, and Covid-19 information.

Benefits of NCRS interface:

  • Quick, secure access to national patient information
  • Can be used in clinical and mobile environments
  • Improved security, including biometrics and multifactor authentication
  • Viewable online or via a patient record system (EPR)

Rio EPR NCRS Click-through

Rio EPR NCRS Click-through is a service that connects to the NCRS portal, allowing health and care professionals to access and update a range of patient and safeguarding information across regional Integrated Care Services (ICS) boundaries.

Customers utilising the Access Rio EPR SCR Click-Through will be seamlessly upgraded to the new NCRS Click-Through interface as part of the monthly release cycle.

Modules of our EPR software

eObservations (eObs)

eObs software provides you with a tool to digitally record and manage clinical and care observations and sustain high quality and safe care on inpatient wards and throughout your community and mental health care services. You can work more smartly, removing the need for written records and charts, which lets practitioners spend more time with patients, improve care and safety and save time and money.

Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA)

ePMA software helps to ensure that people receive the correct medication at the right time. You can manage prescriptions and medication digitally and reduce the risk of prescribing incorrect medication, allowing you to increase best practice and reduce costs. The module works in collaboration with EPR, providing an overarching, real-time view of each person, with prescription details and other information held together across relevant services and throughout a person’s entire healthcare journey.

Find out more about ePMA software

Order Communications

Order Communications software enables you to communicate digitally with your local pathology and radiology services and replace historical paper-based methods. You can fast track requests and manage pathology and radiology results safely and efficiently. Vital patient information is contained with the EPR system, increasing productivity, reducing delays, and eliminating potential errors.

Find out more about order communications software

Mood Diary

We developed the Mood Diary App (in partnership with Total Mobile), to support the Zero Suicide Programme and reduce the risk of self-harm and suicide.

Mood Diary helps to support a person’s mental well-being, with constant access to their Safety Plan and emergency contacts on their mobile phone.

It also helps to keep a record of their mood in between conversations, providing you with a more complete view of their mental health and the opportunity to intervene if required.

Mobile App

Our mobile working app, Rio Mobile, helps healthcare providers using EPR improve efficiency for teams or staff that deliver services in the community. 

  • One central app integrating with our EPR system in real time
  • Tailored view for each team, showing only the information that they need to Deliver care to their patients
  • Enables community nurses to complete their work, collaborate with colleagues and stay in contact all via one mobile device from any location, at any time
Virtual Assistant

Improve patient engagement and reduce costs by up to 80%, using artificial intelligence to transform patient services, automate conversations and improve patient care.

  • Emulates human conversation to provide a two-way conversation, interacting with patients to discover their needs, offering automatic responses
  • Self-management of appointment bookings even out of hours - patients can cancel or request to reschedule appointments
  • Reduces avoidable missed appointments (Did Not Attend DNAs) - by allowing patients speedy and out of hours access to appointment cancellation sassociated wasted appointment costs
  • Reduce admin time and improve the patient experience - by allowing individuals to fill out pre-appointment and assessment forms before they arrive at the service

EPR system FAQs

What are electronic patient records (EPRs)?

Electronic patient records (EPRs) are medical records and notes that are stored in a digital format instead of traditional paper document bundles. EPRs enable patient data to be shared between healthcare facilities, accessed via a centralised system and amended at the point of retrieval.

What is an EPR system?

Electronic patient record (EPR) systems provide a centralised view of patient data, giving healthcare professionals access to the information they need to make informed decisions. EPR software typically integrates with other medical systems.