Access Health, Support and Care webinars on-demand, designed for care professionals
Watch the latest webinars on care technologies and industry news from the experts. Providing a wide range of on-demand care webinars, so you can watch at your leisure, wherever you are.
Explore our collection below:
Explore Access Care Webinars On Demand

Rostering Futures: Introducing Access Care Rostering
Explore the future of care rostering in this informative session hosted by Ian McMullon, Director of Access Care Rostering and the original Founder and Creator of Access People Planner and James Maynard, Product Marketing Director. They will introduce you to Access Care Rostering (ACR), the evolution of the market-leading Access People Planner.

Improving Governance and Compliance with Martin Lowthian
On October 2nd, join our resident care sector expert, Martin Lowthian, who is back at the helm talking regulations. This will be a focused session on improving your all-important.
Governance and Compliance. Whether you work in a residential or a home care setting, this is a session you won't want to miss.

Common HR failures in Care
Join Sonia Rai from Nectar HR as she explores policies that work - how to ensure your HR policies meet both CQC requirements and the unique needs of your organisation.
Learn how to address issues promptly and effectively, even with limited resources.

Building a Business Case Masterclass
Our Digital Transformation Consultant, Richard Bains, hosted a 30 minute masterclass on building a compelling business case that aligns with your organisation’s strategy, ensures stakeholder buy-in, and delivers measurable outcomes.

Thriving in uncertain times
Join our expert host Susan Jones, Director of Social Care as she takes a look at the most common challenges of running a business in the care sector. With the need to be aware of changing customer needs, the ability to pivot and change direction accordingly and how being armed and ready for inevitable change can be the key to success.

eMar: Strategies for Getting It Right
In this webinar our medication software lead, Lloyd Evans, hosted a short session looking at how transformational a good quality eMar system can be.

Taking the Digital Leap: Managing Change & Embracing Tech
Daniel Casson, Managing Director of Casson Consulting and Care Tech Guide, brings you the next instalment of our Surviving and Thriving Series, highlighting the importance of Implementing technology for the longevity of care services. Listen in to hear how you can future-proof your business.

CQC Surgery: Unpacking the latest changes
In this session we'll be unpacking the latest news around the CQC updates and how best to prepare for the new inspection framework, plus tips for success.

CQC in focus: Your guide to success
Watch our latest CQC webinar, hosted by Sarah Duffy from Duffy & Shaw consultants. In this session Sarah gives a comprehensive CQC round up on where we are now, what's still to come and what you can do to get ahead.

CQC Inspections - A Legal Viewpoint
Navigating the CQC inspection process and what comes after it can often feel daunting for care providers – Neil Grant, a Health and Social Care solicitor with 25 years experience in the sector – supports and advises providers on all aspects of regulation and has secured changes to inspection reports including improved CQC ratings for providers.

Managing risks as a care provider: Part 1
Hosted by our Quality, Risk and Compliance Specialist, Martin, where he tackles all things risk management – from staff, to clients, residents to regulators.

Managing risks as a care provider: Part 2
We discuss perhaps the biggest risk for care providers – medications! Service user safety is paramount and medication risk can pose a significant risk. Our experts talk through the common pitfalls and how to stay compliant.

Managing Risks for Care Providers: Part 3
In this webinar specially for those in the care sector, we'll be joined by a special host, Tim Dallinger, Social Care Consultant and Trainer, who explores the importance on self-care and wellbeing in the workplace and crucially how best to handle regulatory burnout.

CQC evidential circle & evidence categories
Specialist compliance consultants Sarah Duffy & Andy Shaw will be taking a deep dive on how the CQC form their judgments, the evidential circle and the best methods to approach quality and saftey within your service.

The power of policies and procedures
Join Sarah Duffy & Andy Shaw, our expert policy writers who will be unpacking all things policies and procedures. Focusing on why you need them, the consequences of getting them wrong and how to get the most out of them.

Effective auditing: who, what, why!
Join our risk and compliance expert Martin Lowthian, who with over 35 years experience will cover how to drive quality improvements through effective auditing.

Automating medication management
Discover the best practices for medication management in care homes and nursing homes. Lloyd Evans and Sharan Giller will be unpacking some of the key do's and don'ts, whilst exploring how technology can help.

Learning & development - improve staff retention
Developing skills and knowledge ensures staff feel valued and supported - empowering them to deliver high quality, compliant care while delivering job satisfaction, knowing their personal growth is important to the business they work for.
Have you had a chance to watch our NEW Deminars?
This new series focuses specifically on our care software, with our product experts delivering 15-minute product demos on the key features and benefits of each product. We cover care compliance, planning, learning and development, and medication management. All the content is ready for you to watch on-demand at a time that suits you, please follow the link below.