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AI in Healthcare - Resource Hub

Explore our AI in healthcare resource hub to get the latest updates, information, and best practice advice and guidance to getting AI right.

A black woman and a white male consulting a unwell elderly man who is laying in a hospital bed

Explore Access AI for Healthcare content

What is AI in Healthcare?

Learn how AI in healthcare can speed up tasks that have traditionally been slow and time-consuming, automating what previously was manual admin work, or identifying patterns and trends in things such as scans or patient notes to support more proactive care and often catching illnesses earlier.

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Revolutionising healthcare with Access Evo

Artificial intelligence in healthcare is the next step in the ongoing global digitisation process that is enabling healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care. Thanks to machine learning and generative AI, healthcare software solutions are able to do far more for clinicians and patients alike.


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The Power of Ethical AI in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to play a pivotal role in the health and social care sector. From remote patient monitoring and electronic care planning to disease diagnosis, staff rostering, automating repetitive tasks, and analysing large quantities of data, there’s no denying that AI has the power to transform the way we deliver care - making us more efficient and saving us time and money in the process.

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Digital transformation in accounting

Healthcare Data Analytics

Data-driven healthcare is quickly becoming the guiding force behind modern health and care services, so in this article we will explore the importance of data in healthcare, as well provide an introduction to healthcare data analytics and explore what the analysis of healthcare data can achieve. Our goal is to make this a healthcare data guide that you can refer back to as a primer for exploring data analytics or even establishing your own analytics solutions.

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smart man looking at evolving technology

Reducing Frequent A&E Visits Through Predictive AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the UK’s health and social care landscape as we know it. One of the latest developments sees the NHS using AI to identify and predict individuals most at risk of becoming frequent attendees—often referred to as "frequent flyers" in A&E.

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How to supercharge your team with AI 

At Access we have a company ethos: the freedom to do more. Our goal is to enable our customers to be able to do more, and with Access Evo we’re enhancing our software suite to do more than it ever has before. 

Access Evo is an integrated AI experience within Access products. It draws on industry knowledge and existing data to help understand workflow and opportunities for efficiencies to be made.

Your intelligent partner​

We’d all love a work helper - someone watching out for the events or important things we might otherwise overlook.

Now you have one. Access Evo is your very own AI assistant, giving you intelligent prompts and alerts to make sure that you never miss a thing and always know exactly what you need to do next.​

Accelerate everyday tasks​

We’ve designed Access Evo to help everyone within your organisation perform their daily tasks and admin faster than ever.

Access Evo is embedded into the familiar Access products you already know; it’s simple to use and enables everyone to get things done faster without relying on experts or power users.​

Take on the important things​ 

Because Access Evo is built around your industry and your organisation, it can help answer your biggest questions and shed light on your thorniest challenges.

Rather than waiting for monthly reports or for experts to provide the analysis you need, you can get the insights you want, right now.​

Become the best version of you​

We’ve built Access Evo to help people grow and develop to their full potential.

By streamlining tasks and allowing everyone to take on things they never thought possible, it creates opportunities for your organisation, and you personally.

Explore how AI-enabled healthcare software can help you deliver the highest quality care