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Healthcare software Joined-up person-centred care

Access healthcare software and solutions improve each and every person’s experience, for individuals receiving care and for healthcare professionals delivering essential services.

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Integrated Virtual Care with NELFT and The Access Group

Virtual wards are vastly being rolled out in the NHS to combat the increasing demands on health and care services. Access Virtual Wards in collaboration with Northeast London NHS Foundation Trust is a program developed to offer providers an integrated solution to the daily challenges faced in and outside of acute settings; one that streamlines operations, enhances interoperability, and improves patient outcomes through the use of cutting-edge remote monitoring technologies. 

Freedom to bring connected healthcare to every individual

More than 45 NHS Trusts are using Access healthcare software solutions

For modern healthcare to be all it can be, it needs the support of modern technology to enact joined-up care that provides broad, continuous coverage of a patient and their needs.

Access healthcare software solutions can handle Acute, Community and Mental Health, Primary Care and GP services. Our technology is built on the foundation of 20 years of experience, which is why NHS Trusts are using our solutions as tools for better healthcare outcomes.

We want individuals to get the best treatment possible, and through software interoperability we can improve communication, data records, administrative processes, and more – meaning more time for clinicians and their patients and more time to get to know the individual and tailor their care.

Dedicated to Healthcare

45 +

NHS Trusts and Organizations using healthcare solutions

150000 +

Clinicians use Access Rio EPR


NHS Trusts using Access Rio to deliver virtual services

Integrated solutions for the management and delivery of Acute, Community and Mental Health, Primary Care and GP services

We have developed effective healthcare software for over 20 years and boast a complete portfolio of integrated solutions for the management and delivery of Acute, Community and Mental Health, Primary Care and GP services. More than 45 NHS Trusts currently use Access software for their day-to-day operations.

We support the UK’s need to create an electronic patient record. By placing the individual at the centre of a fully integrated service and gaining an up-to-date, single view of an individual’s healthcare, you can deliver joined-up health services. Services which positively impact a person's life and improve the overall health of the wider community. While our social prescribing software helps connect those individuals with a wide range of social, emotional, or practical needs to social prescribing link workers, ensuring that communities become better connected. 

Benefits of using our healthcare software

Our healthcare software provides integrated solutions to deliver joined-up care, from health commissioning to the delivery of health services. Our solutions, underpinned with analytics, enable you to put the individual at the heart of what you do and make more informed decisions.

We help you deliver:

  • Higher quality person-centred care for each individual.
  • Empowered teams equipped with real-time information.
  • Operational control, reduced costs, and improved efficiency
  • Processes that focus on care rather than administration.
  • Streamlined mobile and multi-agency working.
  • An end to the potential errors caused by multiple records.

Acute care

Access solutions for acute environments empower trusts, practitioners, and hospital teams to provide a better and safer environment for patients and a more efficient working environment for staff. Clinical teams deliver the right care to the right patient, at the right time.

You benefit from:

  • Consistent improvement and management of patient pathways.
  • Improved decision making with a clear view of patient activity.
  • More time to spend on patient care.
  • Improved referrals.
  • Reduced errors and integral data quality.
  • Money saved from reduced administration.

Mental, community and child health

Access solutions support both administrative and clinical processes within Mental Health, Child Health, and Community Health.

Our best of breed and market leading electronic patient record system and medication management solutions offer a single view of the individual, allowing you to deliver the most efficient healthcare service possible

Social Prescribing

By better connecting people into their communities, Social Prescribing demonstrates the impact that multi-sector partnership working and community and voluntary services have on wellness, community cohesion and demand on health and social care services.

You benefit from: 

  • More people accessing and engaging in social prescribing services. 
  • The ability to monitor and track the status of social prescribing referrals across a community cohort. 
  • Data generated at a neighbourhood, locality, and regional level, showing what works well and helping to inform the future design of services. 
  • Access to a number programmes and support initiatives in the local community through safe, secure effective referral pathways. 
  • Reduced time spent on administration duties therefore free much much-needed resources for your staff. 

Care Commissioning

Access Adam Care Commissioning supports health organisations and local authorities to manage and secure commissioning services for CHC activities. Our end-to-end solutions give control back to staff, enabling them to efficiently respond to service requests and better adapt to future growth.

  • Our unique brokerage solution commissions services based on the exact requirements of patients to deliver greater outcomes and better meet their needs.
  • Gain full visibility of your provider marketplace within a single platform. Allowing you to streamline processes and relationships Manage your workflow in a single to improve the efficiency and accuracy of placements and improve the quality of care.
  • Integrated with existing tools and products such as SPINE to aid in collaboration and management of workload across multiple departments, giving you confidence in the data received and ability to automate reporting.
  • Ensure all providers are compliant and meet any additional requirements your patients need, ensuring quality of care at all times.
  • Make decisions faster and reduce administrative tasks through streamlined processes, allowing you to redistribute resources to where they are needed most. 
  • The Access Adam Care Commissioning system supports the NHS 5 year digitisation plan and is actively working with NHS England to ensure our reporting tools align with NHS data requirements. 

Virtual Wards

The patient experience is at the heart of modern healthcare, and virtual wards offer patients the choice of more independence and a faster discharge to recover in a familiar home setting. With hospital beds in such high demand and short supply, virtual wards is offering high quality care whilst not ‘bed blocking’, meaning hospitals can better manage patient demand and urgent care.

You benefit from:

  • Greater independence
  • Reduced overcrowding
  • Patients recover in a quieter, stress-free home environment – proven to improve outcomes.
  • Less chance of patients acquiring a new illness or a deterioration in other long-term conditions, such as mobility.
  • Greater patient satisfaction.

Using software to deliver healthcare services

We support the UK’s need to create an electronic patient record. By placing the individual at the centre of a fully integrated service and by gaining an up-to-date, single view of an individual’s healthcare, you can deliver joined-up health services, which positively impact a person's life and improve the health of the wider community.

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