North Somerset Council - Case Study
Core+ helps North Somerset Council to reduce levels of ‘Not Known’ young people in its cohort and coordinate NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) tracking for the area.

North Somerset Council is better equipped to support vulnerable young people in the South West.
Core+ software provides North Somerset Council with a complete caseload management system which supports GDPR compliance and reduces the manual handling times of processing the data of young people.
The Core+ Client Caseload Information System (CCIS) module is specifically designed for youth services teams, providing all case management information on a young person in one place at one time.
Boosting efficiency and compliance
Core+ is configured with the user front of mind. The screens are intuitive and easy to navigate, which has allowed North Somerset Council to find and extract information more effectively. T
he simple layout allows quick onboarding for staff, and managers can allocate caseloads to individual advisors – boosting efficiency within the youth services team. The solution has also supported the Council with GDPR compliance.
As a complete caseload management system, it provides the capability to copy from documents, move emails into contact notes and store all information relating to a young person in one place. This is a more effective way of protecting the information held by the Council about the vulnerable young people in its area.
Seamless compiling of data
The Core+ MI program encompasses NEET tracking which enables North Somerset Council to prepare its monthly National Client Caseload Information System (NCCIS) submission to the Department for Education (DfE). Through seamless exporting of data, the software compiles the report with the click of a button in the exact submission format required.
In addition, the ‘Not Known’ calculator in the MI program has helped the youth services team to reduce the amount of ‘Not Known’ individuals in the area. With a more accurate picture of the young people in its cohort, the Council is better positioned to ensure they are fully supported on the path they have chosen to take. The ability to easily update information on each young person, ensuring their record is comprehensive and current, is particularly important to the Council in terms of interventions.
The constant record supports work with agencies beyond the youth services team – for example, the youth offending service or social care – helping the Council to build a full picture of each young person. Core+ plays a key role in facilitating the right intervention at the right time so that more positive outcomes can be secured for each young person in the area.
Transparency is one of the main things that sets it apart from other case management systems - you don’t get lost five pages deep on the system. All of the support tools for uploading and updating data are all simple and they work – we couldn’t really ask for more.
The result
- Reduced levels of ‘Not Known’ young people in the area – having used Core+ for the last five years the number of ‘Not Known’ young people on the system has decreased
- More efficient management of caseload information, allowing more time for service delivery and care
- Increased transparency in cases aids intervention activity
- Fast and seamless reporting has helped manage workloads, ensure address information is up to date and assist with training of new members of staff
Inspiring others
Core+ helps North Somerset Council to maintain greater control of its caseload and track its cohort more effectively. Since its implementation in August 2014, North Somerset Council have maintained a longstanding partnership with us, and continue to work together to meet the evolving needs of the local authority’s young people – securing better outcomes for their futures.