Kent County Council - Case Study
Simplified, joined-up recording means that Kent County Council can spend more time on providing the right support at the right time to families in need.

Core+ solution helps reduce risk, saves time and frees up Kent County Council’s Children’s Centres and Youth Hubs, so they can focus on those needing support.
Kent County Council is a long-standing user of Core+, a fully web-based, single database solution for Integrated Youth Support. The Core+ Client Caseload Information System (CCIS) has been helping youth services teams at the Council, and its commissioned services, to record all case management information on a young person in one place.
CCIS is fully compliant with the Department for Education NCCIS Management Information requirement and includes the suite of data management tools to ensure a local authority’s data is current and error-free.
Kent County Council is one of the largest local authorities in the country. It has 85 children’s centres and 12 youth hubs – one for each district in the area, as well as a number of commissioned youth services across the county.
In 2018, the Council decided to implement Core+ Families, which allows data sharing and cross-service reporting, including important events, support and assessment information, providing a holistic view of a family.
Planning and implementing the new Families module, and migrating data from the incumbent system took place throughout 2019 and went live in October. So far, the Council has trained 600 people to use the system, and feedback has been very positive.
Our relationship has evolved into a partnership, and the team’s expertise and ongoing support has helped us to achieve a very smooth migration and implementation.
As we are existing CCIS users, it made sense to integrate the Families module so that data can be shared easily. Our teams are already telling us tha they find the system clear, simple and easy to use. We’re excited to see what else we can do with it.
The results
- Aided further system rationalisation across the Council’s children’s services
- Provided an intuitive, user friendly and the customisable system, helping to meet the needs of the 600-strong service
- Simplified reporting and management information that meets legislative requirements
- Produced real-time reporting that provides the most up-to-date information available
Inspiring others
Kent County Council’s children’s centres and youth services teams now have more capacity to concentrate on service delivery and supporting children and families.