Discover how ADASS East have utilised Access PAMMS technology to facilitate regional collaboration, drive efficiencies and improve social care quality
Local Authorities are undoubtedly under increasing pressure to carefully balance reducing budget against an increase in demand. Despite the care system being under strain, it is of paramount importance to ensure quality care is delivered to those who need it, when they need it.
Due to these challenges, Adult Directors of Social Services within the East of England (ADASS East) began working with PAMMS to find a common regional approach to streamline their approach to Social Care delivery. It was vital that this new approach brought efficiencies and consistency when engaging with care Providers, many of which are shared, which would maximise intelligence and provide real-time market oversight.
The mantra driving the project was simply ‘do once, not 11 times’ as the PAMMS team searched for a technological answer that would replace manual monitoring systems and enable market intelligence, quality and financial data to be accessed in one place, in real-time.
As a result, PAMMS (now Access PAMMS) was created and provided a common regional approach that delivered efficiencies & consistency in care Provider engagement.
Access PAMMS helped to maximise care market intelligence and provided:
- Real-time market insight and analysis at the push of a button with reporting on: cost, volume, quality and value for money
- Effective risk management, including early warning of suppliers in possible difficulty
- Compliance with responsibilities under the Care Act 2014
- Measurable improvements in Provider quality and evidence of interventions
- A strong partnership, with expertise within health & social care and ability to deliver, innovative secure and scalable technological solutions.
ADASS East’s use of Access PAMMS has delivered capital savings of £550,000 with further estimated ongoing annual savings of over £550,000.
Access PAMMS brings together care quality and financial data from 11 Local Authority’s, 2,000 contracted providers and 20,000 service users, alongside automatically bringing in data from the CQC. This allows for comparison between ratings and LA findings, to ensure a comprehensive overview is given.
By streamlining and bringing data together, overall market sustainability is now visible which reduces risk by providing a clear picture of what’s currently happening within the care market. For example, spend data and volumes can highlight over reliance on one supplier which represents a risk, especially if the supplier works within a specialism which may be hard to replace in an emergency.
Speaking about working with PAMMS whilst DASS at Hertfordshire, Iain MacBeath, commented “As a council, and a region, we have used the power of technology and data to transform our care services in a way that can be embraced across the sector.
With the current market pressures, we hope our mantra of ‘do once not 11 times’ may eventually allow councils with social care responsibility to ‘do once not 206 times’.” Iain is now DASS at Bradford where he has implemented PAMMS alongside colleagues in Yorkshire & Humber.