Inverclyde HSCP - Case Study
Delivering quality and efficiency benefits across Inverclyde HSCP in-house and external homecare

Inverclyde are getting the best of both worlds by using CM solutions (now Access CM) across in-house services and externally delivered care. Discover how they’ve eradicated missed visits, improved communication, reduced back-office admin and benefited from detailed management information.
Access CM delivers quality and efficiency benefits to Inverclyde HSCP
Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) initially wanted to automate their back-office systems including replacing the manual spreadsheets used to schedule visits. They were also keen to achieve greater transparency and improve the quality of service, including continuity of care.
Pilot helped to validate requirements
A one year pilot with one patch using Access CM's scheduling, and another using the scheduling and CM Mobile, soon demonstrated that they would achieve the most benefits from a fully integrated monitoring and scheduling solution.
Janis Delaney, Team Leader at Inverclyde HSCP said “The pilot identified opportunities to create capacity in the system and gave us the ability to monitor the balance between in house and external provision. We were impressed with the ability to evidence service delivery, eradicate missed visits and improve communication with Support Workers.”
Armed with a better understanding of what they required, and the potential benefits, Inverclyde HSCP undertook a full tender exercise. In addition to demonstrating that CM solutions could deliver on all the scheduling and mobile technology requirements, they felt that the system offered an easier user experience.
Successful implementation
CM staff demonstrated they understood the local market in Inverclyde. They were supportive and responsive throughout implementation. They have shown a strong commitment to customer service and have developed an honest and straightforward working relationship.
Inverclyde HSCP has 24 different patches, 400 staff and 1200 Service Users. They made sure they fully engaged all parties in the changes. This included the Union who were very supportive and recognised the lone worker benefits of the solution.
This thorough approach was rewarded with 95% of visits being logged in real-time at the point of care delivery. Full implementation of the system internally was achieved in 12 months.
Improved communication and information sharing
Inverclyde HSCP have noticed a positive impact on staff communications. Support Workers are now empowered with all the information they need on their mobile phone e.g. instructions on where to find medicines, food preferences. This benefits Service Users as when staff arrive at their home they are already familiar with their needs and ready to deliver a personalised service.
Office staff can now update relevant Support Workers immediately if there is a change in circumstances, like new key safe details. This saves everybody time and improves efficiency.
Improved levels of service
Inverclyde HSCP make extensive use of the system’s alert functionality. If a visit is going to be 15 minutes (or more) early or late, they call the Service User to inform them. This additional level of service visibility also allows them to know the whereabouts of Support Workers which is reassuring, particularly in adverse weather.
Janis says “Before implementing CM Mobile we had no real-time information on service delivery. We just had to hope everything was ok. Now I can’t imagine running the service without this intelligence.”
Person-centred care
The point of care delivery information is used to ensure care packages meet Service User needs. Every 2 weeks Janis and her team look at the planned V actual delivery to see if any changes are required.
They can evidence the progress of reablement packages and also detect any deterioration and additional needs. Management time is now used much more effectively as they can focus on anomalies and drill down to find the reasons.
In-house efficiencies
Not only did the introduction of the Access CM solutions instantly free up capacity in the internal system, it also significantly reduced administration tasks. Timesheets for contracted hours, expense sheets and annual leave paperwork have been replaced which reduced back-office time and costs, as well as improved accuracy.
Whilst acknowledging the efficiencies that introducing the technology has brought, the Council recognises that they have diverted resources to the on-going monitoring and analysis of the information available.
Improved management information
Delivering a homecare service is extremely complex and CM’s reports on service delivery bring much welcomed insight and transparency. Trends can be spotted and factors like temporary stops in services can be seen and understood.
Quality and efficiency benefits rolled out to external Providers
Following the benefits achieved by the in-house service, Inverclyde HSCP decided to roll out use of CM solutions to their external Providers. The Finance department saw the opportunity for efficiently paying for actual care delivered, whilst Operational staff were keen to gain quality and transparency benefits.
The insight into service delivery has been extremely valuable. Janis said “Previously we had no way of monitoring quality indicators such as punctuality, continuity and service duration. This information is extremely helpful for Provider reviews.”
Having evidence of service delivery gives the Council greater quality control over externally delivered care. Before implementing CM solutions any complaints received could take a long time to investigate, but now having accurate service delivery information makes it easy.
Bringing benefits across day care and night services
Inverclyde HSCP use Access CM’s software in a number of settings where it has been found to add value. In addition to homecare it is used to record day care attendance and time spent on transport to day care facilities.
Janis says: “We monitor journey times to ensure Service Users aren’t on the bus for too long. The information has helped us improve the efficiency of routes. It also allows us to confirm the Service User is home safely.” All this data also helps Inverclyde HSCP build a picture of the overall care package and the true cost of care.