Use Access Care Management software to empower your care service
Get all the tools that you need to deliver a joined-up approach to quality care with our leading care management software.
Join over 11,000 registered care locations across the UK by implementing the most widely used care management software in UK care services. Our integrated care management solutions will allow you to focus on care quality and client growth. Combine various platforms in one place including digital care planning, medication management and scheduling and rostering.
Our care management software combined with integrated care solutions aims to give you the freedom to deliver connected care to every individual.
Our Access Care Management customers
Freedom to deliver connected care to every individual
Software supporting commissioning of care through to delivery of care services
Our care management software covers all aspects of care management – from commissioning of care through to delivery of care services – empowering you to make a real difference to the quality of your care services and integrate all the relevant services for each person.
You can put each individual at the centre, giving you the freedom to make it personal. Access Care Management solutions are the most widely used for care management in the UK, from the smallest to the largest of providers in home care, care homes, supported living, complex care and multi-service settings.

Mastering care delivery with AI
Access Evo is built into your Access care products and, therefore, the heart of your care organisation, providing a software experience to enhance outcomes and provide better personalised and preventative care.

Ready for a personal tour of the product? The team can call you in the next hour or two
Why digital care management software?
Our integrated care solutions provide you with a comprehensive approach and tools to deliver joined-up care, which:
- supports individuals and contributes to your operation’s growth and improvement
- makes your care team more efficient by simplifying planning and recording
- offers visibility and operational control with real-time information
- helps ensure outstanding quality of care and improved outcomes
- facilitates governance to stay in line with government initiatives and legislative requirements

Integrated care software solutions
Our spectrum of integrated software solutions for residential and domiciliary care provides you with:
- Tools to put the individual first and deliver joined-up care, from commissioning of care through to the delivery of residential and domiciliary care services.
- Full visibility and accountability to ensure safe and effective care, so that people receive optimum care.
- Residential care home management solutions to improve standards for individuals and staff, automate processes, become more efficient and increase your residents’ wellbeing
- A full suite of home care management software to run mobile services more efficiently, with greater control and ease.

See our care management software in action
Software for your care service:
The most widely used care management software in UK care homes, domiciliary care, reablement services and more
registered care locations in the UK including 6,000+ care/nursing homes & 4,500+ community care agencies
million hours of social care managed with Access software in the UK each year
years' experience providing social care software
of in-house/reablement services use our technology
Integrated care management software to drive care quality and client growth

Care Planning
Comprehensive domiciliary care planning software, includes eMAR, mobile carer app, configurable digital forms and integration with Access People Planner for rostering.

Medication Management
Reduce medication errors and improve effeciency with this comprehensive system, including eMAR, stock management, mobile app and integration with pharmacy systems.

Scheduling and rostering
Easily and quickly reconcile your planned and actual visits with comprehensive solutions for managing your care delivery, whether it is rota software for care homes, home care rostering, scheduling for care workers.

Care Compliance
Improve audit efficiency and effectiveness to drive up quality and ensure regulatory compliance across services. Use the intuitive mock inspection module in line with regional inspection frameworks.

eLearning for Care
An enormous range of courses on an impressive digital learning system to get your staff trained and skilled up faster, with a flexible pricing model to fit the staffing challenges in social care and provide an economical alternative to outdated training methods.

Policies & Procedures
Accessible, digestible and always up-to-date policies and procedures for your organisation. A comprehensive suite of policies and procedures to provide effective support and compliance to your nations standards, written by experienced social care professionals.
Why Access Evo for Care?
Access Evo for Care delivers apps that work just like those on your mobile phone providing insights on the day-to-day running of your service and giving you access to:
- An extensive suite of integrated software for social care providers.
- A single login and access point for all your care software.
- Seamless integration between solutions.
- Customisable dashboards with key insights and KPIs for your organisation/role.
- Complete digitisation of your care services.
- One supplier = one support desk for all systems.
- A future proof system from a stable, established supplier.

Discover Home Comfort Services experience working with The Access Group!
Listen to Nigel from Home Comfort Services as he talks about his experience with The Access Group including: the benefits, the on boarding process and support from customer success.
Home Counties Carers Comeback Story: The Grass Isn’t Always Greener
In this inspiring case study, Lucinda and Matthew Klupka, Directors of Home Counties Carers, share their journey of running a family-owned care business. After initially partnering with Access to manage their care processes and policies, they explored an alternative provider in search of better solutions. However, challenges with outages and missing functionality brought them back to Access.
Through collaboration and a renewed focus on co-creating solutions, Access helped Home Counties Carers deliver the consistent, high-quality care their clients depend on. This video highlights the importance of reliability, customer feedback, and strong partnerships in navigating the evolving care sector.
Frequently asked questions
What is a care management system?
You might be asking yourself, what is a care management system and why do I need one?
Care management systems (CMS) come in many forms. At Access, we can offer software solutions which simplify planning and recording, save time and ultimately provide a safer and higher quality standard of care.
No matter what size you are, we will help you digitise your provision of care. Making you and your care team more efficient, giving you more time to do the most important job, caring.
How to Choose the Right Care Software?
Choosing the best care management software can be difficult. There are lots of health and social care software solutions which can make it difficult to find the right provider. Here at Access you can be sure that you are in an experienced set of hands.
We have over 25 years of experience in the sector and look after over 10,000 care locations. Through our software systems, we manage a quarter of all social care hours in the UK.
Our care management software (CMS) covers a breadth of services in health and social care, unrivalled by the competition. Using a joined up approach, your CMS can help you manage teams, evidence compliance, train staff and plan your provision of care across care home or home care and community services.
Find out more about how to get your care staff enthusiastic about digitisation.