Why digital telehealth software?
We support a comprehensive approach to the delivery of joined up care, empowering you with software that underpins your care operation’s growth and improvement. Putting the individual at the centre, giving you the freedom to make it personal.
Our integrated solutions provide you with:
- Visibility and full operational control to empower your teams with real time information so that they can really make a real difference to people’s lives
- Comprehensive software tools to ensure the delivery of an outstanding quality of care and improved outcomes
- Maximised efficiencies as you deliver care in the optimum way, at the right time
- All the tools you need for solid governance and the delivery of compliant care so that you can stay easily in line with regulations, government initiatives and legislative requirements.

Our leading digital telehealth solutions
Our spectrum of integrated software solutions means that you can put the individual first and deliver joined up care, from planning of care through to the delivery of residential and domiciliary care services. You have full visibility and accountability to ensure safe and effective care, and as a result, people receive optimum care.
Our integrated software suite provides you with:
- Tools to deliver joined-up care, from planning care through to the delivery of care with scheduling and rostering, learning and employee management, electronic care records and medication management.
- A full spectrum of residential care home management solutions so that you can improve standards for residents and staff, automate processes, easily demonstrate compliance, become more efficient and increase your residents’ wellbeing.
- A suite of home care management software, which helps you to run community care services more efficiently, with greater control and ease and demonstrate your compliance to regulators.

Hear from our mid sized business customers
Software for your care service:
Unified care management software to drive care quality and client growth

Access Care Planning
Comprehensive domiciliary care planning software, includes eMAR, mobile carer app, configurable digital forms and integration with Access People Planner for rostering.

Access Care & Clinical
Comprehensive residential care planning software to record, evidence and manage care in your homes. With a mobile app to record both planned and unplanned activities. Integrated with Access Medication Management for a holistic system.

Access PeoplePlanner
(Community Care)
The smart way to manage your care workforce. Bring together employee, client and funder management, planning and rostering, real-time monitoring, finance and payroll in one easy to use system.

Access PeoplePlanner
(Residential Care)
Ensure staffing requirements are met with ease including required skills. Make the headaches and hazards of employee management simple, including payroll reconciliation, sickness and absence management and more.

Access Medication Management
Reduce medication errors and improve effeciency with this comprehensive system, including eMAR, stock management, mobile app and integration with pharmacy systems.

Access Care Compliance
Improve audit efficiency and effectiveness to drive up quality and ensure regulatory complaince across services. Use the mock inspections wizard based on CQC Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs).

Access Learning for Care
An enormous range of courses on an impressive digital learning system to get your staff trained and skilled up faster, with a flexible pricing model to fit the staffing challenges in social care and provide an economical alternative to outdated training methods.

Access Policies & Procedures
Accessible, digestible and always up-to-date policies and procedures for your organisation. A comprehensive suite of policies and procedures to provide effective support and compliance to your nations standards, written by experienced social care professionals.
Care provider HUB
The care provider hub is your go-to-source of advice and guidance whether you are a start-up, small, medium, or large provider looking to develop as a provider and create sustainable growth, whilst continuing to provide the highest quality care.

Why Access workspace for care?
Access Workspace for Care delivers apps that work just like those you use on your mobile phone and provide insights on the day-to-day running of your service, providing you with access to:
- An extensive suite of integrated software for social care providers
- A single login and access point for all your care software
- Seamless integration between solutions
customisable dashboards with key insights and KPIs for your organisation/role - Complete digitisation of your care services
- One supplier = one support desk for all systems
- A future proof system from a stable, established supplier.