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Manufacturing ERP Software

Revolutionise your operations with Access manufacturing ERP software. 

A comprehensive solution seamlessly integrating key functions such as production, business leadership, human resources, finance, sales, and marketing. 

With automation at your fingertips, witness a substantial surge in productivity and efficiency. Plus, enhance visibility and enable smooth communication across departments like never before, ensuring your teams are strategically aligned and all geared toward boosting your bottom line. 

Access manufacturing ERP software is trusted by hundreds of manufacturing businesses

Why choose Access Manufacturing ERP Software?

Our cloud-based manufacturing ERP software solution offers you a real-time and accurate view across your entire business landscape. 

By gaining insights into actual business performance and pinpointing issues instantly, you're empowered to make better informed decisions on where to focus your resources and improvement strategies. 

Unlock the potential to optimise your operations, saving valuable time, reducing waste and costs, and enhancing quality. With our manufacturing ERP software, you have the freedom to focus on propelling growth for your manufacturing business. 

How Access Manufacturing ERP Software can help you

Visibility and control

Access ERP manufacturing software delivers unparalleled visibility and control by offering a single source of truth for your entire business. With seamless integrations between different functions and centralised dashboards with real-time data and analytics, you’ll have an accurate picture of what’s actually happening in your business. 

Empower business leaders and internal teams to easily drill down into the data to uncover and understand issues, opportunities and emerging trends. Information can be accessed when needed and tailored for various roles within your organisation.  

Our software also allows controlled access to external teams, granting your customers access to delivery and quality performance reports and dashboards, fostering transparency and collaboration across every step of the customer journey. 

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Efficiency and reduced costs

Our manufacturing ERP software helps you drive productivity and make costs savings across your business. For example: 

  • With streamlined and automated processes, you reduce and eliminate manual tasks, repetitive tasks, duplicate data entry – this reduces the likelihood of errors and delays 
  • Better stock management reduces cash tied up in inventory, improving cash flow 
  • Better production planning processes save time and help you identify bottlenecks and waste – whether a machine is under or over utilised, whether better use of labour across production could reduce overtime overheads 
  • Improved visibility and communication between departments leads to a more joined up approach to tackling challenges and maximising opportunities. Combined with accurate, real-time data, this supports faster decision making 
  • Improved customer relationships from being able to provide accurate lead times and quality assurance (QA) required 
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Quality and data-driven decision making

One of the biggest challenges manufacturers tell us about is having information on paper or spreadsheets, or in separate disjointed systems. Doubts on the accuracy of data or how up to date it is is also a concern. 

Our manufacturing ERP software digitises and automates processes, and facilitates integration between different systems, for example MRP and finance, streamlining operations and supporting you to achieve unparalleled efficiency. 

You can analyse company-wide data with the confidence that it is accurate and available in real-time. This allows you to truly understand business and operational performance, for smarter decisions on strategy, opportunities for growth, costs savings and improvement activities. 

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Key Access Manufacturing ERP Software features

The Access manufacturing ERP solution is modular, consisting of integrated cloud-based software packages accessible via a single digital workspace, Access Workspace. 

Take control and build your own manufacturing ERP software solution to fit your business’ specific needs and requirements 

Get ready for unparalleled scalability and adaptability with our ERP solution. As your business expands, our software seamlessly evolves alongside it, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve at every stage of your business growth.

Producticon Access Factorymaster
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) software

Gives you complete control and effective management of stock, work in progress, OEE, purchasing and supply chain management, quality and manufacturing.

Access Orchestrate production planning software icon
Advanced planning and scheduling software

Optimises production planning and scheduling processes to ensure you’re using machinery, labour and materials to their full capacity.

Producticon Access Financials
Financial Management Software 

From accounting and cash flow forecasting to reporting and expense management, our finance solution is customisable to your requirements and helps you make better business decisions.

CRM Icon
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software

Access CRM delivers significant and sustained sales growth by helping you target the right customers, at the right time, with the right message.

HR Icon
HR & Payroll

From core HR software, to payroll, recruitment and onboarding to workforce management, our software helps you reduce admin, achieve efficiencies and develop employees, for greater ROI.

Pr Access Workspace
Access Workspace

A unique software platform which brings your Access software together into a single digital workspace. Offering a single source of data, customisable dashboards and analytics, and user-friendly apps, Access Workspace gives you the tools to succeed.

See our Manufacturing ERP the software in action!

Access Manufacturing ERP Software pricing 

As every manufacturing business’ requirements are unique, please get in touch so that we can arrange a call with one of our manufacturing ERP software specialists. Once we understand your business and challenges better, we can work together to find the best fit for you. 

MRP or Manufacturing ERP software, which is best for you?

One of the deciding factors when deciding between ERP and MRP systems used to be company size, but nowadays most ERP systems are modular, which brings down the cost and enables you to choose only the functionality you need, with the ability to add further modules as required. Budget can still be an important consideration for some businesses though.

Understanding which processes you want to automate and monitor and manage centrally is also important. MRP software is manufacturing-focused, whereas ERP software covers wider business departments such as HR and finance. So if you only have gaps in supplier and stock management and production control for example, MRP may be the right solution for you.

Finally, visibility and reporting requirements can be a deciding factor. While only a full ERP system offers a truly holistic view of your company, most MRP systems offer integrations with other software packages such as finance, which may be all that your business needs.

Manufacturing ERP Software FAQs

What is manufacturing ERP software?

Manufacturing ERP software is a specialised solution that enables manufacturing companies to efficiently manage their operations. By integrating production planning, inventory management, supply chain management, quality control, financial management, sales, and customer relationship management, ERP streamlines processes and enhances decision-making. It offers real-time visibility into manufacturing processes, optimises productivity, improves inventory management, and reduces costs. A leading example of manufacturing ERP software is Access ERP.

Read our article on 'What is manufacturing ERP software?' to find out more > 

What are ERP solutions?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are software packages which connect core business processes, such as finance, CRM, HR, procurement and supply chain, manufacturing and more into a single integrated system, delivering greater efficiency and control.

How does ERP help in the manufacturing process?

Manufacturing ERP software streamlines and optimises the manufacturing process by:

  • Enabling effective resource planning and allocation
  • Enhancing stock management to avoid stockouts or excess stock
  • Improving production planning processes for optimal resource utilisation
  • Transforming quality management and processes, ensuring standards are adhered to and rework and non-conformances are reduced or eliminated
  • Simplifying supplier management and procurement processes
  • Enabling robust cost management and control by simplifying the process of monitoring costs, including labour, materials, stock, overheads, job costing
What's the difference between ERP and MRP software?

MRP and ERP software both help you to run your business more efficiently by automating and integrating internal processes, for better visibility of operational performance.

The key difference between the two is scope: MRP has a narrow manufacturing-centric focus, while ERP has a business-wide focus, encompassing functions including HR, finance, CRM, production.

What are the 3 common types of ERP?

The three common types of ERP systems are:

On-Premise ERP: On-premise systems are installed on your business's own servers and hardware infrastructure, giving you full control over the software and data. You are responsible for delivering and resourcing updates and upgrades, installation and customisation, security, maintenance and ongoing support. This option requires significant upfront investment in infrastructure and IT.


Cloud ERP: Cloud ERP systems are hosted and managed by a third-party provider. The software is delivered over the internet, so access is through web browsers or dedicated apps. Infrastructure management, including updates, backups, and security is handled by the provider. This option offers lower upfront costs, scalability, and accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection.


Hybrid ERP: Hybrid ERP systems combine elements of both on-premises and cloud ERP. Some functionality of the ERP system may be hosted in the cloud, while others remain on-premise. With this approach you can leverage the benefits of both deployment models, such as flexibility, scalability, and control over sensitive data. This option is popular with businesses who require some processes to remain on-premise for regulatory compliance, security concerns, or legacy systems integration.

Explore our Manufacturing ERP resources and guides