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Parents evening booking system. Because you didn't sign up to be an events planner

Without question, parents evening is one of the most important events in the school calendar. It allows teachers and parents to come together and discuss their shared goal, increasing pupil results.

But how do we streamline the process to make it simple for busy parents to schedule in the time they need with teachers? Our parent's evening booking system has the answer.

Ensure guardians come prepared with our online parents evening booking system

Throughout the year teachers are able to provide feedback for the students they teach, from returning homework to logging absences, and reporting disciplinaries and merits to recording attendance, parents can stay up to date on their child's activities.

With information detailed in an easy to access platform, guardians can ensure they come to parent’s evening prepared and knowledgeable, allowing them to make the most of their time with the teachers.

Easily schedule parents evening with our booking system

Enabling busy parents to plan and manage their schedule, our booking system allows parents to view and select their parent’s evening slot with the teachers they need to meet with - both in person and virtually.

Via our parent engagement software, parents and guardians are given access to their child’s day planner in which they can view their school day, extra-curricular activities, and above all, view when their parent's evening is - allowing them to schedule the slots most convenient for them.

Simplifying parents evening with our single sign-on system

Guardians can log into our parents evening system and simply select which of their children they wish to view at their chosen school. They can also switch between views without having to sign-in multiple times thanks to our single sign-on platform, Access Workspace.  

From an online parent’s evening booking system to a cashless payment solution, we support schools in increasing parent engagement and parent teacher communication through our parent engagement platform.

Enhance communication with our parents evening software

Benefits of our parents evening booking system

Reduces admin

By automating the booking process for parent’s evening, schools are able to significantly reduce their administration, saving them time and money in the process.

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Helps plan and prepare

With all a pupil's information in one, easy to access central location, parents and guardians are able to come to parent’s evening prepared and knowledgeable about their child’s school life and activities; maximising the quality time they have with the teacher.

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Supports parent engagement

Give parents the freedom to do more with our online booking system.

Allowing busy, on-the-go parents to have more visibility over their child’s school life can help them feel more empowered and involved; and an involved parent is an engaged parent.

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Explore the modules of our platform

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School Payments

A cashless, secure, and easy to use solution that enables parents and guardians to have more control and visibility over their children's school lunches and events.

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Parent Communication

A powerful engagement platform connecting teachers, parents, pupils & guardians - providing instant access to what matters most about a child’s education.

Parents evening system software FAQs

What is a parents evening system?

A parents evening system allows schools to manage their parents evenings online, from the initial booking to the actual event. Having an automated parents evening system reduces admin for the school, saving both time and money. A parents evening booking system also helps schools plan and prepare better for a parents evening by having all information about the child to hand so that the teacher can use time spent on the parents evening more effectively.

Parents evening booking systems ensure better parental engagement and allows a school to give better support to parents.

How is a parents evening system beneficial?

Using an parents evening booking system is very beneficial to schools, not only does it increase parental engagement, but it also reduces admin and gives the school better control.

Online parents evening systems allows teachers to collate the information about each child in one easy to use platform. Teachers have all the information they need to hand at the parents evening to discuss the progress of each student accurately with each parent.

A parents evening system also gives schools and academies more flexibility by giving parents and guardians better control over their appointment bookings.

Education software created by educators, for educators

The Access Education software suite is purpose-built to address the unique needs and challenges of educational institutions. Created by education experts, it's not just another solution – it's a comprehensive approach to improving the entire educational experience.

We've collaborated closely with educators at every stage of development to ensure our software reflects their insights, needs, and goals. It goes beyond functionality, becoming a strategic ally for schools, MATs, and local authorities.

Our ultimate goal is to empower educators to focus on what truly matters: delivering exceptional learning experiences to their students.

Ready to increase efficiency and cut administrative overhead? Want more time for teaching, mentoring, and inspiring the next generation? Click on our each of our products to find out how they can improve processes within your setting.